Interacting particle systems on (co)evolving networks

Mini-WORKshop @ Burg Ebernburg
October (5)6--8, 2021


In this workshop, we focus on the study of interacting particles on evolving networks. Key examples are the contact process, the voter model and competition models. A key goal of this workshop is to identify what can be said about the behavior of these models when the underlying network (co)evolves with the particles. The aim is to bridge the gap between the rigorous mathematical theory and sciences for such stochastic processes on (co)evolving networks, firstly by extending the existing theory to more general processes and secondly by developing new models of coevolutionary nature resembling processes seen in real world networks.

Keynote Talks

  • Daniel Valesin (University of Groningen): The contact process: Recent results on finite-volume phase transitions

  1. The contact process: definition and first properties

  2. Phase transition on infinite graphs

  3. Finite graphs: extinction time, general bounds

  4. First case study: lattice boxes

  5. Results on general classes of graphs

  6. Applications

  7. Finite tree-like graphs (static)

  8. Finite tree-like graphs (co-evolving)

Lecture notes

  • Andrej Depperschmidt (University of Hamburg): Random walks on the backbone of the oriented percolation cluster and generalizations

Sanitary/Hygienic Regulations

All participants are requested to take note of the sanitary/hygienic regulations:

  • Be either in a vaccinated/recovered/negatively tested (less than 24 hours old negative SARS-CoV-2 antigen test) state (a.k.a. 3G rule).

  • Wear masks inside the buildings in the public spaces @Burg Ebernburg. Masks are not required during the meals while being sited at the reserved for us table and in the meeting room.


  • Burg Ebernburg, 55583 Bad Kreuznach