Seek Legal Guide For Process of Talaq in Pakistan By Lawyers

The Process of Talaq in Pakistan And Courts:

For the process of talaq in Pakistan through lawyers in Lahore Pakistan in courts you may contact Nazia Law Associates. There can be no disagreement in matters provided for in the Quranic and Traditional Text. Similarly, Ijma is binding upon all until changed or modified by another Ijma. There is, thus, no room for a Court on the process of talaq in Pakistan through lawyers in Lahore Pakistan to disagree with it, for according to the tradition relied upon by Imam Shafi'i, "whatever the community of Islam may agree upon at any time is of "God." In juristic analogy and Istidlal, it is open to Courts to adopt any one of the earlier A' imma and Faqihs' conflicting views, subject to the qualification that they possess the requisite knowledge.

Ijtihad in Other Words:

Lastly, Ijma' and Ijtihad, in the form of law made by the competent legislative bodies, as envisaged by the modern reformist Jurists, will be binding on Courts. It is not allowed for them to differ from those laws because they conflict with the earlier A' imma and Faqihs.....


WAHIDUDDIN AHMAD, J. I have had the edge of reading in advance the well-considered and learned judgment proposed by my brother Yaqub Ali, J. I must confess that the problems raised in the questions referred to in the Full Bench are too broad and involve the most controversial issues on the process of talaq in Pakistan through lawyers in Lahore Pakistan. Naturally, one must be cautious in dealing with such questions; I am, therefore, most reluctant to answer them in general terms. I would like to record my opinion with this object in as precise terms as possible. The answer to the first question need not detain me.

Lawyers in Lahore Pakistan:

Regarding the process of talaq in Pakistan through lawyers in Lahore Pakistan it is accepted by all the Sunni Schools that besides two principal sources of Islamic law, namely the Qur'an and Had is there are two other important distinct sources, namely Ijma, i.e., the consensus, and Qiyas, i.e., analogical deduction from the above three sources. Istihsan as a source of Law has also achieved considerable importance. It is resorted to when no clear authority is available on a point or where the authorities are of a conflicting nature. In such cases, the view is that it is open to jurists to resort to equity principles to decide thé issue before them.

Idtihsan In other Words:

In other words, Istihsan is juristic preference or equity. Sir Abdur Rahim, in his commentary on Muhammadan JUrisprudence on this topic, observed at page 163 as under: "It sometimes happens that the rule of law on the process of talaq in Pakistan through lawyers in Lahore Pakistan deduced by the application of analogy to text conflicts with what has been expressly laid down by some other text or by the unanimous opinion of the learned. All the four Sunni Schools of law agree that the former must give way to the latter in such cases. It may happen that the law correspondence deduced fails to commend itself to the jurist, owing to its confinement and inadaptability to the habits and usages of the people and being likely to cause hardships and inconvenience. According to Hanafi lawyers, it is nothing but a hidden analogy. But it cannot deny that it has a much wider scope as a source of law. Our female lawyers in Lahore Pakistan is here for services of talaq process in Pakistan.