In this video, I will introduce Problem Solver dot AI, a groundbreaking solution that utilizes artificial intelligence and user-centered design to develop companion apps and extensions for individuals with cognitive and developmental disabilities who use video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Our AI technology will learn each user's unique challenges and help them identify and solve problems they encounter during video conferences. The ultimate goal is to empower users to independently navigate these challenges over time. Join me as I explain how Problem Solver dot AI will revolutionize accessibility in the digital world.

In this video, I discuss the problem of digital exclusion and the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to address it. Video conferencing has become an integral part of our lives, but it often excludes individuals with cognitive or developmental disabilities. The market for video conferencing is projected to reach $17 billion by 2030, making it crucial to include everyone. I propose utilizing AI technology to develop algorithms that support individuals with intellectual disabilities. Join me as we explore the opportunities and challenges of AI in creating a more inclusive digital world.

In this video, I discuss the starting point and future direction of Problem Solver dot AI. The first step is to develop a Zoom app using the Zoom developer platform. Once this is successfully launched, we plan to expand to other platforms and applications, specifically targeting and supporting individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities in the area of video conferencing. This opens up a huge opportunity for market expansion, as anyone who struggles with problem-solving tech issues can benefit from our product. The AI technology can be customized to meet the specific needs of each individual, and we envision its use beyond video conferencing, such as in learning management systems and sales software. Thank you for watching!

As an adaptive technologist at Centennial College, I've noticed that many students with accessibility issues and disabilities face challenges with video conferencing platforms. These technical issues have become a significant barrier to their education, socialization, and even work. With Loom, I aim to address these challenges and make a positive impact on the lives of these individuals. Join me as I share my journey and the potential of this exciting project!