Classroom Expectations

In order to maintain a safe and successful learning environment, it is essential to have certain guidelines. Here is a list of expectations in our classroom:

  1. Listen carefully.
  2. Follow directions.
  3. Work quietly.
  4. Respect others.
  5. Respect school and personal property.
  6. Work and play safely.

On a classroom chart, each student has a “pocket” in which cards are kept. The chart will make children aware of their behavior. The colors represent:

Green - Keep making good choices!

Yellow- Warning; slow down and make better choices!

Red - 5 minutes at recess; make better choices!

White - 5 minutes at recess and parents notified; make better choices!

Black - Go to the principal’s office!

I keep track of which card each child has showing at the end of the day. Positive reinforcement for staying on green may result in a random reward, positive phone call/email, etc. Retraining on proper behavior may occur during students’ valued time (recess, etc.). Each day everyone will begin with the green card. Please reinforce the idea that each child is responsible for his/her behavior, and must bear the consequences of that behavior.