Welcome to my website! I primarily research on AGN (Active Galactic Nuclei). AGN are enigmatic and energetic phenomena found at the centers of certain galaxies, characterized by intense radiation across multiple wavelengths. These celestial powerhouses are thought to harbor supermassive black holes, whose gravitational influence drives the release of copious amounts of energy. AGN exhibit a wide range of manifestations, including quasars, Seyfert galaxies, and blazars, each displaying distinct observational signatures. Studying AGN provides valuable insights into the dynamic interplay between supermassive black holes and their surrounding environments, offering a window into the cosmic processes that shape the evolution of galaxies.

Highlighted research

Study of X-ray variability and coronae of Seyfert galaxies using NuSTAR

X-ray flux variability of active galactic nuclei observed using NuSTAR

Coronal Proerties of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy 3C 120 with NuSTAR