Priyanka Majumder

From November 20, 2023 I am a Research Associate at ISI Bangalore in the research group of B. Sury. Prior to that, I had a Post-doctoral position in IISER Pune in the research group of Debargha Banerjee.

I have completed my Ph.D. from TU Darmstadt under the supervision of Anna von Pippich. Before that, I was a project assistant of Anilatmaja Aryasomayajula. I completed my M.Sc. from IIT Hyderabad and my M.Sc. thesis advisor was Venku Naidu D.

Research interests: 

Address: Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore

                                      Office  S-13, 2nd floor, Main building,

                                      8th Mile, Mysore Rd, Karnataka 560059.
