Contrary to what you might expect, rendering a simple string is quite difficult with a low-level library like OpenGL. But basically, you iterate through the string, rendering a textured quad for each character.

Then, when the application loads, create a VAO for each character, containing the vertex positions (size of the quad) and it's texture co-ordinates. This font is monospaced so the vertex positions are simply:

OpenTK Text Renderer


OpenGL and OpenTK do not support any built-in text rendering. Essentially, they are too "low-level" for that. Nevertheless, many applications, such as yours, require text rendering, and significant work has been done to find efficient ways to render text via OpenGL (and OpenTK as well, of course). One popular technique is based on "distance fields," made famous by a 2007 SIGGRAPH paper, from Chris Green. In my own applications, I have implemented support for text rendering on top of OpenTK using techniques based on distance fields, and have been very pleased by the overall quality, performance, and flexibility of this approach:

There are many possible approaches to text rendering. The simplest one: use System.Drawing to render your text into a System.Drawing.Bitmap. Afterwards, load this Bitmap into an OpenGL texture and splat it onto a quad for rendering. Animate the text by moving this quad and update the Bitmap/texture whenever the text changes.

One possibility would be to use FreeType library to load a TrueType Font to texture objects.

SharpFont provides Cross-platform FreeType bindings for C#.

The source can be found at GitHub - Robmaister/SharpFont.

(x64 SharpFont.dll and freetype6.dll from MonoGame.Dependencies)

This article shall help to get a quick overview about the text rendering options for OpenGL/OpenTK, espeially for the MONO/.NET programming languages. I want to share my findings and help programmers, which are looking for a solution, that fits their needs.

Let's start with a short discussion about the INNOVATIVE approach: This method requires a powerful GPU and a considerable amout of texture buffer memory on the one hand but it relieves the CPU remarkable on the other hand. Currently there is exactly one known implementation: GLyphy. IMO this will definitively be the approach of the future. Future because GLyphy detected various implementation errors in Mesa, almost all video drivers and pixel shaders it has been tested for. And they have to be fixed before it can be used widely.

On X11 the Mono wrapper for Pango or Cairo's Pango calls could be a good alternative to Mono's System.Drawing.Graphics namespace (Windows GDI replica). Cairo offers Cairo.Context.ShowText() and Cairo.Context.TextExtents() as an equivalent to System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawString() and System.Drawing.Graphics.MeasureString(). But i didn't find code "ready to use" that implements the required functionality for application in the context of OpenTK.

The practice 1.b. (glyphs to intermediate texture bitmap, excerpts to final texture bitmap) is a little bit "reinventing the wheel". Because to render the glyphs of a font to an (intermediate) bitmap is the same thing that Windows GDI or X11 font server already do.

Cons: A lot of effort for creation and management of the (intermediade) font bitmaps. As well as for extraction of glyph texture's excerpts and combination to a string. Program initialization requires font bitmap initialization and consumes runtime.

The practice 1.c. (bitmap-font to intermediate texture bitmap, excerpts to final texture bitmap) is similar to practice 1.b, but it doesn't provide the same fonts as the Windows GDI or X11 font server already do - it provides fonts from specific bitmap font files. This practice is typically used by games.

Cons: A lot of effort for creation and management of the font bitmaps. As well as for extraction of glyph texture's excerpts and combination to a string. Specific font files are required. Program initialization requires font bitmap initialization but is much faster than 1.b.

Description: The creation of font bitmaps can be completely separated (by time, by resources, by location) from their usage. Artificial or texture fonts are easy to achieve. Most of the fonts are monospaced, but proportional fonts are possible - they need the glyph widths in addition to the bitmap provided by the font file.

I've found the 'missing piece' to use FreeType instead of Mono's GDI implementation (System.Drawing.Graphics class) within the articles Rendering FreeType/2 with OpenGL and Rendering AltNETType (= .NET FreeType port) with OpenGL. They led me to the FtFont class that joins ideas from OpenGL 3.3+ text..., freetype-gl and FreeType Fonts.

Instead using TextPrinter, the whole OpenTK community recommends to write an own text printer. But TextPrinter is still present, produces very good output quality and is open source (can be copied and used, even if it would be removed from OpenTK.Compatibility.dll in remote future).

The sample programs FreeTypeGlyphWise-Test and FreeTypeLineWise-Test will also take a closer look to the aspect 'write an own text printer' and are faster than the TextRenderer technology.

During the work on the sample solution FreeTypeLineWise-Test i've been faced with residues as well and solved it with two extra scan-lines within the intermediate bitmap, one obove and one below the glyphs. I think the extraction of glyph texture's excerpt from the intermediate bitmap, that is done with glTexCoord2() on a coordinate range 0.0 ... 1.0, has insufficient precisition and causes the problems. Probably extra scan-lines within the intermediate bitmap would solve the problem for QuickFont too.

The FreeTypeLineWise-Test sample advances the FtFont class to support string rendering instead character rendering (that is mapping the text glyph texture by glyph texture to the viewport). The output quality using FtFont class' second version is excellent as well.

The FreeTypeDynamic-Test sample advances the FreeTypeLineWise-Test sample and FtFont class to support dynamic glyph appending to the glyph texture. The output quality using FtFont class' third version is excellent as well.

The next image shows a sample output with FtFont class' third version and seven coloured different fonts. The quality is excellent. No off-color pixel, no residues. The glypht positioning has been reworked, now the text output complies with the font metrics.

The next image shows a sample output with TexLib and seven different fonts. The quality is varying. The delivered bitmap font big-outline has cut-off ascenders and descenders, the other font bitmaps are created quick and dirty and show only black text. The acquisition of ready-to-use high quality font bitmap files seems to be a problem. The limitation of TexLib to 16 x 16 glyps is a restriction.

The next image shows a sample output with TextRenderer (first red text line) compared to TextPrinter (second red line) and QuickFont (third red line). The quality is excellent. No off-color pixel, no residues.

There is a very interesting article Texts Rasterization Exposures about text rendering detalis written for the Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) library. The text rendering detalis that are discussed, are namely:

The subsequent image shows gray-scale anti-aliased text with color fidelity (on the left) and sub-pixel positioned text with brightness fidelity (on the right), zommed to 400%. Both texts have been rendered with WPF (.NET 4.5) and have different pixel set on different positions.

At some stage of your graphics adventures you will want to draw text in OpenGL. Contrary to what you may expect, getting a simple string to render on screen is all but easy with a low-level API like OpenGL. If you don't care about rendering more than 128 different same-sized characters, then it's probably not too difficult. Things are getting difficult as soon as each character has a different width, height, and margin. Based on where you live, you may also need more than 128 characters, and what if you want to express special symbols for like mathematical expressions or sheet music symbols, and what about rendering text from top to bottom? Once you think about all these complicated matters of text, it wouldn't surprise you that this probably doesn't belong in a low-level API like OpenGL.

Since there is no support for text capabilities within OpenGL, it is up to us to define a system for rendering text to the screen. There are no graphical primitives for text characters, we have to get creative. Some example techniques are: drawing letter shapes via GL_LINES, create 3D meshes of letters, or render character textures to 2D quads in a 3D environment.

Most developers choose to render character textures onto quads. Rendering textured quads by itself shouldn't be too difficult, but getting the relevant character(s) onto a texture could prove challenging. In this chapter we'll explore several methods and implement a more advanced, but flexible technique for rendering text using the FreeType library.

In the early days, rendering text involved selecting a font (or create one yourself) you'd like for your application and extracting all relevant characters out of this font to place them within a single large texture. Such a texture, that we call a bitmap font, contains all character symbols we want to use in predefined regions of the texture. These character symbols of the font are known as glyphs. Each glyph has a specific region of texture coordinates associated with them. Whenever you want to render a character, you select the corresponding glyph by rendering this section of the bitmap font to a 2D quad.

Here you can see how we would render the text 'OpenGL' by taking a bitmap font and sampling the corresponding glyphs from the texture (carefully choosing the texture coordinates) that we render on top of several quads. By enabling blending and keeping the background transparent, we will end up with just a string of characters rendered to the screen. This particular bitmap font was generated using Codehead's Bitmap Font Generator. be457b7860

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