Call For Papers

Final Call For Papers

PrivateNLP invites quality research contributions in different formats:

All submissions will undergo a double-blind review process, and accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Important Dates

Submission Instructions

Two types of submissions are invited: full papers and short papers. 

See the guidelines here: 

Long papers: 

Short papers:

We will be using OpenReview for submissions:

Dual submission policy

In addition to previously unpublished work, we invite papers on relevant topics which have been submitted to alternative venues (such as other NLP or ML conferences). Please follow double-submission policy from ACL. Accepted cross-submissions will be presented as posters, with an indication of the original venue. Selection of cross-submissions will be determined solely by the organizing committee.

Non-Archival option

There are no formatting or page restrictions for non-archival submissions. The accepted papers to the non-archival track will be displayed on the workshop website, but will NOT be included in the workshop proceedings or otherwise archived.