Privacy Policy for PixelGo

Privacy Policy 

Your privacy is important to Our App Service. Our Privacy Policy covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information. We hope our policy is straightforward and easy to understand. Please take a minute to review the details of our privacy practices below.

This Privacy Policy is structured as follows:

1. Definitions

2. How We Collect Information & How We Use Information

3. Third-party accounts & Sharing of personal data

4. Legal basis for data processing

5. International transfers of personal data

6. Children's Privacy

7. Your rights

8. Changes

9. Contact Us


1. Definitions

“You” means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.

“Everyday Apps by Appytome” developer is be referred to as "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement.

Application means the software program provided by “Everyday Apps by Appytome” downloaded by You on your mobile device.


2. How Do We Collect Information

We collect information in order to provide you with better, higher-quality, and more personalized services. We collect information by the following means:

(I)When you use our email support services, we collect your correspondence in order to build up a public knowledge base, which will be available to all users of the mobile application. Your correspondence will most likely not be used verbatim but paraphrased in an FAQ format.

(II)The data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with us, the choices you make, including your privacy settings, and the products and features you use. The data we collect can include input image & output image, SDK/API/JS code version, browser, network, Internet service provider, IP address, timestamp, application identifier, application version, application update time & date, user agent, application distribution channel, independent device identifier, Android ad master identifier, and international mobile device identification code (IMEI) The equipment model, the terminal manufacturer, the platform, the platform version, the session start/stop time, the location, the language, country,  the time zone and the network state (WiFi and so on), the hard disk, the CPU, and the battery use, etc.

Permissions required:

How We Use Information

We use the information collected through this application: 

(I) to communicate with you; (II) to process your requests and transactions; (III) to improve the app; (IV) to customize the services and/or products we provide to you; (V) to assist with our product and service development; (VI) to perform marketing analysis; and (VII) for other purposes related to our business.

 Information Collection and Use

For a better experience, while using our Service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. The information that we request will be retained by us and used as described in this privacy policy.

Identifiers and internet and network activity information (such as IP address, device model, device type, OS version, device language, device name, country set in the device settings, information about your interactions with the app, and unique identifiers, including IDFA or AAID), and other information necessary to enable you to use the app.

The app processes the images you upload to generate AI Avatars (including images of your face) and the images generated by the app (e.g. the AI avatars that you created). The technologies implemented in the app do not allow unique identification or authentication of a single user starting from the images uploaded to the app or from the AI avatars generated by the app, nor is it our intention to train the technologies to do so. This means that we only use the app to create the requested AI avatar, based on the face images shared by the user. In order to be able to generate AI avatars the app needs access to your photo library and to your camera, but this access will require that you grant a specific permission through a request that will appear on your mobile device.

To improve our products and services (for example, by conducting statistical analysis or other research activities to optimize our features and provide you with new ones).

The legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest (art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR) to improve our products and services.

Identifiers and Internet and network activity information (such as IP address), and information collected or generated to improve the app’s functionalities (such as information about your interactions with the app, inferences we generate and other related information about your usage of the app). Neither the images you upload to the app, nor the images generated by the app (e.g. AI avatars) are processed for this purpose.

To ensure the quality of the services by analyzing, preventing or correcting failures and bugs, illicit use or misuse of the services.

The legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest (art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR) to ensure the quality and the smooth functioning of the service.

Identifiers, internet and network activity information (such as IP address), inferences we generate and other related information about your usage of the app. Neither the images you upload to the app, nor the images generated by the app (e.g. AI avatars) are processed for this purpose.

To comply with our legal obligations, including requests from public authorities.

The legal basis for the processing is compliance with legal obligations to which we are subject (art. 6(1)(c) of the GDPR).

Any information which may be required by law or under the instructions of public authorities.

To process and respond to customer support communications and to requests for information you may raise with us.

The legal basis for the processing is the performance of our contractual relationship (art. 6(1)(b) of the GDPR).

Identification and contact information you provide us (such as name, email address) and the content of your communication or request.

To establish, exercise or defend our rights and those of our employees, and to carry out corporate transactions or operations (for example, in case of bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, reorganization, sale of assets or assignments, and due diligence related to any such transactions).

The legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest (art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR) to establish, exercise or defend our rights and to carry out corporate transactions or operations.

Any information necessary to ensure the performance of these purposes.

To analyze your usage information, including your preferences, interests and behaviors when you use our product to:

Conduct statistical analysis or other research activities to improve our product.

Maintain, optimize, and develop new features.

Advertise our product towards more creators like you and reach out to inactive users with our ads.

Measure the effectiveness of our campaigns and make our advertising more relevant.

The legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest (art. 6(1)(f) of GDPR).

Your Identifiers and Internet and network activity information that we collect (such as IDFA or AAID, and IP address), information about your interactions with the app, and other related information about your usage of the app.

IDFA (on iPhone or iPad) and AAID (on Android devices) are unique device identifiers provided by the operating system of your device, that allow advertisers to track and identify a user for advertising purposes.

To improve our photo-video editing features in Imagine AI and in other photo-video editing apps provided by us and our subsidiary companies, and offer a better service for editing and enhancing your images (for example, by using your images to train and validate our photo-video editor algorithms in Imagine AI and in other similar mobile and web apps provided by us and our subsidiary companies, and by examining and labelling your images to improve the performance of our editing and enhancement features).

The legal basis for the processing is your consent (art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).

Images uploaded by you, only if you expressly give your consent for this specific purpose.

Images processed in the context of multi Avatars feature are excluded from the scope of the purpose at stake.

What face data does our app collect?

Our app collects facial data from the photos uploaded by users in order to make our model learn about the new subject or the new user in our case. Our machine learning algorithms generate digital portraits based on the pictures users upload. After the model training is done which usually takes 20 mins, we delete the pictures from our servers in 24 Hours. We don't process the generated images further, and don't use them.

 How do we use the collected face data? Provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data.

We use the collected face data to generate the user's personalised AI avatar. The data is processed through our AI algorithms to create a 3D model of the user's facial features, which is then used to create the avatar. We do not use this data for any other purposes. 

 Will the data be shared with any third parties? Where will this information be stored?

We do not share any collected face data with third parties. The data is stored securely on our servers and is accessible only to authorised personnel. We take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and privacy of all collected data.

How long will face data be retained?

As soon as the avatars are generated, the user’s photos are deleted in 24 Hours and the associated trained models are erased permanently from our servers after 30 days. We keep these trained models for 30 days as we offer users to recreate their avatars without uploading pictures for the period of 30 days from their order purchase date

3. Third-party accounts

Our App Service does not store any other third part service passwords. Your account information is not disclosed to this app and you are free to cancel any of your social networking website connections with this app at any time. 


Sharing of personal data

To improve our product and provide you with better service, we also share personal data with vendors or agents working on our behalf for the purposes described in this privacy policy. For example, companies we've hired to provide data analytical services may need to collect and access personal data to provide those functions. In such cases, these companies must abide by our data privacy and security requirements.


4. Legal basis for data processing

We process Personal Data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, as described above. Our legal basis to process personal data includes processing that is: necessary for the performance of the contract with you (for example, to provide you with the services you request and to identify and authenticate you so you may use the Sites); necessary to comply with legal requirements (for example, to comply with applicable accounting rules and to make mandatory disclosures to law enforcement); necessary for our legitimate interests (for example, to manage our relationship with you, to ensure the security of our services, to communicate with you about our products and services); and based on consent by our customers (for example, to place certain cookies and to share your information with third parties for advertising purposes).  


In some instances, you may be required to provide us with Personal Data for processing as described above, in order for us to be able to provide you with all of our services, and for you to use all the features of our App.


5. International transfers of personal data

Our business may require us to transfer your Personal Data to countries outside of the European Economic Area, including to Asian, South American & African countries. We take appropriate steps to ensure that recipients of your Personal Data are bound to duties of confidentiality.

6. Children's Privacy

Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If You are a parent or guardian and You are aware that Your child has provided Us with Personal Data, please contact Us. If We become aware that We have collected Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, We take steps to remove that information from Our servers.


7. Your rights

Subject to limitations in applicable law, you are entitled to object to or request the restriction of processing of your Personal Data, and to request access to, rectification, erasure, and portability of your own Personal Data.  


Where the use of your information is based on consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.


Requests should be submitted by contacting us through our email: 

If you are aware of changes or inaccuracies in your information, you should inform us of such changes so that our records may be updated or corrected. 

We retain your Personal Data as long as needed to provide services or products to you, or as required or permitted by applicable laws, such as tax and accounting laws.


Transparency and Choice

You can also control which social websites you wish to share or upload.


8. Changes

Our Privacy Policy may change occasionally. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without providing explicit, advance notice. 

We will post any privacy policy changes on this page and, in the event of significant changes, we will provide a more prominent notice (such as an email notification). 

Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.


9. Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us via, we will endeavor to provide clear answers to your questions in a timely manner.