Privacy Policy for PenaltyTimer&Stopwatch:

We take the privacy and security of our users' data very seriously. PenaltyTimer&Stopwatch is designed to operate locally on your iPhone without the need for any login or account information. All data generated by the app is stored locally on your iPhone and is not transmitted to any cloud services.

Data Collection:
• PenaltyTimer&Stopwatch does not collect any personal information or user data.
• The app only accesses local storage on your iPhone to store stopwatch data and settings.

Data Sharing:
• Users have the option to manually send locally stored data to their email address for personal use or backup purposes.
• No data is shared or transmitted to any external servers or third-party services.

Data Security:
• We implement industry-standard security measures to safeguard the data stored locally on your iPhone.
• Your stopwatch data is encrypted and protected to prevent unauthorized access.

Changes to Privacy Policy:
• Any changes to the privacy policy of PenaltyTimer&Stopwatch will be communicated through app updates and will be effective immediately upon posting.

By using PenaltyTimer&Stopwatch, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy while using our app, please contact us at [contact email]. Thank you for choosing PenaltyTimer&Stopwatch for your timing needs.