PRISM.12th. - IDEA -
PRISM, the Japan-Korea-Taiwan exchange exhibition, started in Tokyo in 2013.
Since then, we have held exhibitions in Seoul, Taipei, and other cities every year.
In 2020 and 2021, PRISM was held online via YouTube, as it was not possible to travel back and forth between the countries due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus disease. This upcoming PRISM in Japan will be the first one to be held in five years.
We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to hold "PRISM.12th.-IDEA-" in the cultural city of Ichikawa, Japan.
It is not easy for the artists from three different countries sharing different languages and cultural backgrounds to take the initiatives to create an exhibition. However, we were privileged to have the opportunities to learn and understand the differences between each other, such as culture and perspectives, through the annual intercultural exchange at PRISM. This experience led all of us to personal growth not only as human beings but also as artists.
In recent years, the world we live in has become increasingly fragmented due to the spread of the new disease, wars, and the other unsettling circumstances. It must be said that even the field of art, which reflects minds and hearts of the artists, has been affected under the current global situation by such things as despair and resignation.
However, we the PRISM artists, wish to become a silver lining of this time and express hope no matter what the world is going through since the artworks are the fruits of the artists’ thoughts and lives.
With this in mind, we have chosen "IDEA" as the theme for the 12th PRISM exhibition.
Through our artworks, we hope that we can provide chances to make small changes in your hearts and minds.
Finally, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to all those who have cooperated in the operation of this exhibition.
(最終日 10時〜14時)
〒272-0826 千葉県市川市真間5-1-18
日 本
津田 沙織
斉藤 ひかる
長谷部 満莉愛
中野 陽菜
韓 国
成 仁製(ソン・インジェ)
朴 淑民(パク・スンミン)
崔 少艾(チェ・ソエ)
台 湾
邱 掇(チゥ・ドゥオ)
李 俐燕(リ・リーエン)