

What Am I Reading Right Now

Architect + Entrepreneur

Eric Reinholdt

I am of the opinion that we're never done learning. Its therefore always a goal of mine to continue to find new resources for personal and professional growth. This months find has been these fantastic narative accounts from author Eric Reinholdt as he shares his transition from working for others to working with them in the launch of his own firm. 

I hope to share some insight from my own personal journey as much of it mirrors what I've been reading from Eric. Bonus point is he has a great name!


Architectural Intelligence - How AI is Architecting the Future of Design

The world of architecture is undergoing a fascinating shift, with artificial intelligence (AI) emerging as a powerful new design partner. AI isn't here to replace architects, but rather to augment their creativity and efficiency. From streamlining tasks to optimizing building functionality, AI is having a profound impact on every stage of the architectural process.

Imagine a future where AI can analyze mountains of data to suggest innovative materials or generate multiple design options based on specific criteria. AI can also tackle repetitive tasks like creating floor plans or conducting complex energy simulations, freeing up architects to focus on the big picture and the finer points of design. This collaboration between human and machine promises to lead to a new era of architectural marvels – buildings that are not only stunning but also sustainable, functional, and perfectly suited to their environment.

This is just the beginning. As AI continues to evolve, its influence on architecture is sure to grow even more profound. The future of design looks bright, with AI acting as a powerful tool to help architects shape the world of tomorrow.

Would you guess that the above paragraphs were actually written by AI? Does that scare you or feel enlightening? Let me take over from this point but make no mistake that the thoughts shared above are my own as much as they were augmented by AI.

In the profession, as it is I have heard every fear there can be that is associated from AI. Its going to take our jobs, it will replace us, it will ruin good design. I think those statements are a bit hyperbolic. As an architectural designer, my role has always been one of an editor. Editing design to bring out the best product is what we do day in and day out. If approached, I would argue, that the role of AI in architecture is a tool, much like CAD programs, pen and paper, a protractor or a ruler (dare I say mayline!?). It is our job as designers to use the tools that we have at our disposal to work through design oppotunities to bring out the best possible design solution. 

AI to me, is an ability to dream digitally. To create vision, to use that as a leaping off point, to iterate, and refine. AI wont replace the editor, at least not yet, and in my opinion maybe never as I dont think AI can, at least yet, discern what makes the images or text its writing provocative. It take the prompter to craft and edit, to hone and refine the end product to fit their vision. The end product is of the visionary guiding a tool and nothing else. I would argue the intelligence for beauty still is chemically driven in the cortex of mankind and not the digital frontier of ones and zeros.

Come dream with me on my instagram and engage the conversation -


On Design

As a Designer, I've always wanted to change the world. Be it in a big way for many, or a small way for a few, I find it to be my drive to change the lives of those around me for the better. There is an inherent beauty in the world that I want to share, find moments to celebrate, to inherit the raw and expose the refined. There is a melody in this world that is playing on a thousand different strings, waiting to be heard.

To me, design is a tool to share and connect the human experience through interaction. Be it a visual experience, a tactile experience or tranquility through sound, design has a way of binding those raw elements of a singular human experience and selflessly share itself to a community. Good design blends seamlessly into the fabric of an experience, at once both individual in its elements, but also part of a larger symphony. I think, inherently, human beings all resonate with good design, in that it feels natural, that it is purposeful and responsive to its environment.

No two design solutions can, or ever should be, the same. Each design opportunity should respond to its locale, its native environment. Design is responsive and living. Each new set of design criteria offers a chance to evolve, to test solutions, and grow. Design is, in my humble opinion, never complete. It simply iterates on itself, explores new horizons, learns lessons from the past and finds itself becoming new.

Its bad design that we notice right away. Its a loud crash in a serene moment. It takes away from the greater composition and screams for attention. Bad design tarnishes human experiences. It should be avoided at all cost.

I strive for good design.