All requests must be authenticated using HTTP basic authentication. API Keys are links to a single account and are used for both authentication and identification. Any API Key attached to your account will work. You can have as many API Keys as you wish.

The key-value structure for both types is the same. If you don't specify a Content-Type then Content-Type: application/json will be assumed. In either case the PrintNode API will always respond with Content-Type: application/json.

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PrintNode assigns a unique identifier to computers, printers and other assets it is aware of. A unique identifier is always a positive integer. A set is a string representation of an unordered collection of positive integers. You can use these to specify multiple assets in a single API call.

You can control the range of records returned using the URL query parameters limit, after and dir. They work as follows:  limit is the maximum number of rows that will be returned by the endpoint. Default is 100. dir controls the ordering - asc for ascending, desc for descending. Default is desc . after controls the point at which records start. You would usually set this to the last id in the previous set of records retrieved, in order to look at the next "page" of records. Default is blank, which causes records to be retrieved at one end of the result set (the start if dir is asc and the end if dir is desc). 

The API allows 10 requests per second per account. Short bursts of requests which exceed this limit are also permitted. Exceeding the limit for a sustained period will result in some requests returning HTTP 429 Too Many Requests.

When an error occurs, the response body is a JSON object containing three keys:uid, code and message. uid has the same value as the Request-Id response header, code is a brief textual description of the error and message is a detailed human-readable description of the error.

Computers are devices which have the PrintNode Client software installed on them and which have successfully connected to PrintNode. A computer is uniquely identified by its id property. When the PrintNode Client runs on a computer it automatically reports the existence of the computer to the server. From then on the computer is recognized by the API.

You can remove computers with a call to the above endpoints. You can restrict the set of computers you wish to delete by specifying a computer set. The server will respond HTTP 200 OK and the response body will be a JSON array of the ids of the computers which have been affected.

These additional options can be specified in the options attribute when you create a print job. Note that very old versions of the PrintNode Client may not support these options. We recommend keeping your PrintNode Client version up-to-date.

The content attribute of the print job may be either a URI to the document or the base64-encoded content of the document. We take security seriously at PrintNode but we understand that some organisations are not comfortable sending document contents to a third party. In this case, we recommend working with pdf_uri or raw_uri as your contentType and hosting the document yourself so that its contents are never sent to PrintNode.

Using pdf_base64 or raw_base64 to send a print job means that your data will need to be base64-encoded. This is very easy to do and you don't have to worry about hosting and managing your own print jobs. If you are sending small PDFs or doing RAW printing, e.g. courier labels, barcodes or reciepts, then this is a good option to choose. Note that base64 encoding increases the size of the content by approximately 33%.

If your PrintNode Client can download the content from a local network or web server, it may be faster to use the pdf_uri or raw_uri. This means that your print job content is never sent to the PrintNode server. This is usually faster if content is accessible locally and it can reduce bandwidth requirements for everyone.

In either case, the request body may not be larger than 50MB. If you attempt to POST a request that is larger than 50MB you will receive HTTP 413 Request Body Too Large. You can work around this size limit by using pdf_uri printing.

When the print job is received, the PrintNode API will add it to the print queue and respond immediately, i.e. the PrintNode API does not wait for the print job to be sent to the specified printer before responding.

The solution is to specify an idempotency key with each print job. This is simply a string which you specify using the X-Idempotency-Key HTTP header. When PrintNode receives a print job with an idempotency key, it makes a note of the key. Subsequent jobs with the same key are rejected with HTTP status code 409 (conflict). This way, you can resubmit a print job with confidence that it will not be printed again if PrintNode received it the first time.

If a print job has not yet been delivered to the PrintNode Client, you can cancel it using these API endpoints. It is possible to filter print jobs by printer and/or print job id. Just substitute the appropriate parameters into one of the URLs above. The server will respond with HTTP 200 OK and the response body will be a JSON array of the ids of the print jobs which have been cancelled.

Because a print job is created through the API and eventually handed over to a PrintNode Client, print job states can be generated on the PrintNode Server (e.g. new) or the Client (e.g. done). This means that the population of states generated by the Client and Server may change over time as new versions of the Client and Server are released. However, it is important that some states are not subject to change, because integrations and end users need to rely on them for diagnosis, reporting and automation.

For this reason, certain states are defined to be stable. This means they are part of PrintNode's stable API and have the same backwards compatibility guarantees as the rest of the API. It is safe for your integration to rely on these states and their semantics. A print job state will only be published in a webhook message if it is a stable state.

These endpoints allow you to query the weighing scales attached to a computer. Note the plural "scales" in the first two endpoints and singular "scale" in the third endpoint. This is because the first two endpoints can return data for multiple scales and the third endpoint always queries a specific scale. Because of this, the first two endpoints always return a list (which may be empty) and the third endpoint returns a scale data object or HTTP 404 Not Found.

DEVICE NAME is a string which identifies a make and model of scale. By default this is of the form "manufacturer - model" but can be altered in the PrintNode Client to a more descriptive and convenient identifier. Operating systems don't always allow unique identification of USB devices and in the event multiple scales of the same make and model are connected to a computer, they can be distinguished by the integer DEVICE NUMBER.

The first element represents the mass returned by the scale in micrograms. If the scale has been unable to calucate a weight, this element isnull. This most commonly happens when scales display a negative weight. Although many scales can display negative weights on their built-in displays, they are often unable to return negative weight readings over their USB interfaces.

If more than one scale with the same deviceName is connected to a computer, they will be assigned different deviceNum properties. This makes it possible to distinguish between them.

deviceNum values start at 0 and when a scale is connected to a computer it is assigned the smallest unused deviceNum value for scales with the same deviceName. For example, if two scales with different deviceNames are connected they will both have deviceNum 0. If two scales with the same deviceName are connected they will be assigned deviceNums of 0 and 1. The scale which was connected first gets deviceNum 0.

Scales can usually display their readings in imperial or metric units. The keys in this object represent the units shown on the scale's built-in display at the time of measurement. Supported units are: g, kg, lb and oz. The value for each key is the reading in billionths of the corresponding unit. This information makes it easy to determine the reading being displayed on the scale itself. In terms of measurement, it provides the same information as the mass property. Use whichever one you find more convenient.

The response is an array of the most recent scale data objects produced by this computer. If there are no scales attached to the computer, the response is an empty array. Provided COMPUTER ID is a positive integer this method will always return HTTP 200 OK, even if COMPUTER ID does not correspond to a computer controlled by your account.

The response is an array of the most recent scale data objects produced by scales with device name DEVICE NAME attached to this computer. If there are no such scales attached to the computer, the response is an empty array.

If there is a scale with device name DEVICE NAME and device number DEVICE NUMBER attached to this computer and it produced a scale data object in the last 45 seconds, this endpoint returns the the most recent such object. Otherwise this endpoint returns HTTP 404 Not Found.

You may not have access to a physical scale during development, so for convenience our server implements a virtual scale with the device number 0 and device name PrintNode Test Scale, connected to computer 0.

Sending an API call to the above endpoint simulates a single measurement from this scale, which will be available in the API for 45 seconds, just like a real measurement. During this time you can query it using all scale-related endpoints. It will also be published to subscribed websockets.

Queued events are not affected by changes to the webhooks that generated them. Deleting a webhook with queued events will not delete the events. Changing the URL of a webhook with queued events will not cause those events to be sent to the new URL. 152ee80cbc

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