
June 2024:

In The fruits of the Earth: What is wealth ?

(...) A durable good is like a service put in a bottle, can or container. Those who produce the durable good provide the service. Those who use and consume the durable good receive the service. A good is a good only if it provides a service. Good is always to be of service. The economy as a whole is a system of exchange or gift of services. 

(...) The wealth accumulated and retained is not only the sum of all the tangible and durable goods that we keep for the services they will render to us, because projects in progress and companies are also durable goods. As with all durable goods they are expected to provide services. A project or company is profitable if the value of the goods and services provided, the revenue, is greater than the value of the costs, the goods and services consumed.

(...) Companies have a market value because we anticipate that they will make profits. 

The means to provide service

Wealth is always having the means to be of service. We are all the richer the more we are able to provide services. A service is wealth because it improves the quality of life. A tangible and durable good is wealth because it can provide services. Projects and companies are wealth because they provide goods and services. To freely have the means to provide services is always to have a portfolio of options, because freely providing a service to others or to oneself is the exercise of an option. Wealth is always a wealth of options. The means to provide service and the freedom to make good use of them are the foundations of wealth.

Money and the multiplication of services

The miracle of bank money

Why didn't finance create heaven on Earth?

February 2024:

Foundations of dynamics


A Newtonian proof of E=mc²  for the mass of light

The paradox of double contraction of lengths: Space-time diagrams of an encounter between two trains of flashing lights

Visual physics and mathematics: Percolation, Chua attractor, Shock waves, Heat, Quantum physics, Crystal structures

January 2024:

Visual physics and mathematics: Relativity, Gravitation, Fluid dynamics, Pythagoras and the origin of harmony

The fruits of the Earth (new version of Theory of finance)

In Cryptos are the biggest scam in financial history: Investing your savings in cryptos is even worse than burying them in your garden. Not only does it bear no fruit, but it is also squandered, consumed to heat factories that heat no one and produce nothing.

A new remark in Some fundamental theorems of quantum physics : quantum entanglement leads to a revolution in the theory of space, geometry. That two beings can be in the same place without being able to meet is incomprehensible from a classical point of view. But quantum space is not classical space. We must not project our prejudices about the nature of space onto quantum theory. The problem posed by Einstein, 'does quantum entanglement lead to instantaneous action at a distance?' is a false problem, because it comes from our classical prejudices about the nature of space. When we reason about quantum space, the problem no longer arises. Quantum space is much more than what Euclid, Newton and Einstein taught us about the nature of space.

Healing the soul (new version of Principles of psychiatry)

December 2023:

Are cryptos the goose that lays the golden eggs? Where are the eggs? The goose consumes a lot of energy (the equivalent of several nuclear power plants) and produces nothing, not a single egg, neither golden nor ordinary, not even enough to make an omelette.

How can a company that produces nothing pay dividends to its shareholders? The technique is very easy: you just need to issue new shares and pay the old shareholders the money transferred by the new ones. The company can last as long as there are new buyers for its new shares.

In Some fundamental theorems of quantum physics : Th11. Two beings can coexist in the same place without being able to meet.

In First principles: undecidable theories

The foundations of logic (new version of Logical principles)

Is reason divine?

What is proof?

Knowing without being certain that we know

November 2023:

First principles (new version of Reason, a manual and The truth about being)

October 2023:

Mathematical painter

May 2023:

 Cryptos are a scam : Can we reap without having sown? (...)

Theory of finance 

Faith and the foundations of science

Some fundamental theorems of quantum physics

Well-defined sets and bounded variables