Francesco Principe
I am senior assistant professor (RtdB) at the Department of Economics, University of Bergamo.
I hold the Italian Habilitation for Full Professor (Professore di I Fascia) in Politica Economica (13/A2) and Scienza delle Finanze (13/A3); and for Associate Professor in Economia Politica (13/A1) and Econometria (13/A5).
I am also member of the Erasmus Centre for Applied Sports Economics (Erasmus School of Economics Rotterdam) and affiliated to the Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG), University of York.
In May 2019, I obtained a PhD in Economics from the Department of Economics and Statistics (University of Salerno).
My research interests lie in the field of Health Economics and Applied Microeconometrics, with a major focus on health behaviours, health policy evaluation, income inequalities and wage determination. I am also interested in Labour and Sport economics.