Third School & Workshop: 9-13 September 2024

University of Milan, via Saldini

There will be 3 minicourses of 4.5 hours each, and 5 seminars by the local units.

Registration form: if you wish to attend the school, it is mandatory to register HERE 

This is a list of recommended hotels

Hotel Dieci

Hotel Kleos

Hotel Lombardia

Hotel Susa

Hotel Montecarlo


Abstract: In this course, I will describe and compare two methods allowing to prove long time stability of most of the small and smooth solutions to some nonlinear resonant Hamiltonians PDEs. We will mainly focus on the case of the nonlinear Schrödinger equations on generic flat tori. The first method, which is closer to Birkhoff normal forms techniques, is the one we introduced with E. Faou and B. Grébert in 2020 and called "rational normal forms". The other method, which is more in the spirit of KAM techniques, is the one introduced by J. Bourgain in 2000.


Abstract: In the last years a lot of effort has been devoted to investigate the behavior of the solutions to dispersive equations on curved spaces: in this talk, I will survey some recent results concerning dispersive estimates (Strichartz, local smoothing) for the Dirac equation in some different non-flat settings.

Special seminar:
