
Best Game Websites

Gamers you should definitely visit & bookmark these gaming sites to stay informed & updated in the gaming world.

  • IGN

IGN (Imagine Games Network) has emerged as the hot favorite game site on a global level. Launched 21 years ago, IGN is mainly focused on video game & entertainment enthusiast markets. The game site is one stop online destination for gaming, movies, TV Shows, Comics and everything you can think of. You can find recently launched video game news, reviews, videos, gaming facts, tips, and so much more.

And worth to mention, that in 2011 the Guinness Book of World Records awarded IGN as the most-visited video game site.


What Wikipedia is to knowledge, GameSpot is to video games. From video game blogs to reviews to downloads to previews on console games. GameSpot features every nook & cranny of gaming world. The best part of this gaming site is it provides an open platform to users to share their opinions, blogs & reviews on their forum. The website is quite good looking and features section such as: PC Gaming, PS4, Xbox One, Gametech, 3Ds, Deals & much more.

Sign up on their site to get regular updates on Gaming & Entertainment Industry.

  • Gaming Debugged

Get exclusive & high-quality gaming content, from mainstream to indie gaming to game designs & development. Formerly known as Debug Design, the platform is a home for passionate video gamers, avid online gamers and amateur game designers & developers. Launched in early 20s, which was quite a good time to have an old school website like this.

  • PC Gamer

A gaming site solely dedicated to PC Gaming for over 20 years. The platform brings expert reviews on latest gaming gears, introduce you to strange new mods & ground-breaking news around-the-clock. They also organize yearly events such as PC Gaming Show & PC Gamer Weekender which is quite popular all over the world. Apart from posting daily updates on video game news & previews, user can also find amazing hardware buying guides and best gaming deals here.

  • Destructoid

Best place to find latest video game news & incredible video game blogs. Destructoid is the site for gamers, by gamers. The platform represents itself as the best alternative to mainstream gaming media. They post dozens of articles each day. Unlike other game site’s reviews, Destructoid follows a digestible format & clear scoring system to critique recently launched games, mobile titles, console gaming etc.

Apart from sharing video content, Destructoid also features community blogs, a special section on movies & television and much more.

The gaming site is a basket full of Nintendo Products, including video games & software. The platform covers about: Nintendo Switch, WiiWare, Nintendo DSi, and Nintendo 3DS, Wii, Wii U, & classic titles re-released through its Virtual Console games. From news articles about upcoming products to in-depth articles related to gaming culture both past and present- Nintendo Life attracts a global audience of over 800,000 + unique users each month.