About Us

Established formally as Pride Trails Produce: August 28,  2017

Kirsten (Me), Baby (Horse), and Bella (Dog)


My name is Kirsten. I am the owner and operator of Pride Trails Produce which is now Pride Trails Services. When coming up with this business it was to give people a different option for getting reasonable priced fresh produce at the time (2017), now it has evolved into other services that allow me to work more as a certificated teacher (since 2013) and tutor for students, work with animals and their  families, and also supporting families with their elderly.

How Did We Get Our Business Name?

Hi, I am Pride Goose (The brown goose)

And I am Trails Goose (The white goose)

We would like to share how Pride Trails Produce now Pride Tails Services got its name.

Before we were brought into this wonderful family, our mother rescued a bunch of wild baby Canada Goslings. Only so many made it to see their first feathers grow in. The ones that got to see their first true feathers were named Pride 1 and Trails 1. Our Mom loved them both very much. After Trails 1 passed away, Pride 1 was all alone and Mom got her a couple of duck friends to help keep her company during the day while she was at work. After the sudden loss of Pride 1 over the winter of 2017, Mom got us and we were named Pride 2 and Trails 2 after our predecessors. With Mom being an educator and loving to teach others and wanting to provide a service to others that might not be able to afford the store prices of fresh produce, she thought of doing a produce stand.

Over a number of days we could hear Mom talking about what to name it the produce stand. Then one day we were walking around honking and she looked at us and said, “AW HA, Pride Trails Produce!” When Mom said that we and all our other siblings (ducks and chickens) started to make lots of noise as we all loved the idea. Mom had to settle us all down, which was not that hard, just bring us some fresh produce. So, there it is, that is how our Mom’s produce stand which is now services got its name, after us and our predecessors.