Call for Papers

We invite submissions for the upcoming DemocrAI 2024 workshop, which will focus on the intersection of AI and digital democracy. This workshop aims to explore innovative research in AI that enhances democratic processes and addresses the social implications of technology.

Topics of Interest:

We welcome contributions in areas including, but not limited to:

Social Multi-Agent Systems

Engineering Social Multi-Agent Systems 

Human-CAI Interaction 

Collaboration & Coordination in Online Forum

Application Domains for CAI and Case Studies

Ethics and Social Issues

Important Dates:

Workshop Mode:


Submission Details:

Submissions should be extended abstracts ranging from 2 to 4 pages (including references). 

Please submit your abstracts through EasyChair:

Archival Policy:

While there will be no official proceedings, accepted abstracts will be made available to workshop attendees via the website. This non-archival format ensures that authors can present early-stage research without precluding subsequent publication in conferences or journals.

Review Process:

Each extended abstract will undergo a rigorous review by two members of the Program Committee or workshop co-chairs, ensuring the highest academic standards are met. This process guarantees the credibility of the research presented.


Awards will be presented to recognize excellence in papers and presentations. 
