I am looking for a bit of help, i have a presentation tomorrow and Prezi next desktop app will not install. I have used it previously but formatted the computer a while ago and have just tried to install prezi next app.

I had to use the online version for my presentation which was problematic due to buffering of images etc so not very happy with the fact i have paid the months subscription to do a presentation where i had to use the free option anyway. How do i find out about a refund as my presentation is done now and have no plans for anymore in the next 6 months.

Prezi Next Desktop App Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urluss.com/2y2F73 🔥

I waited, but nothing. I had to force exit is just pray it did not loose my work. My laptop is connected to my network with ethernet directly to a very fast service. My connectivity and laptop performance is healthy. This is frustrating as these prezi editor bugs are distracting and continue to get in my way.

I have been a user of Prezi classic on and off over the past few years, i have noticed that Prezi Next is the new version being pushed. One of my main requirements is to create and store prezis locally, is this possible with prezi next and if not what licence or version do i need in order to do this?

First I am looking into upgrading my account to be able to use the desktop software. In order for me to use Prezi I need to know that if the presentation is started on my local computer, will it stay local?

Also, can I start a presentation on the desktop software? Simple questions that a phone call could handle about your product before I spend money. Seems backwards to spend money to ask the questions to find out the software cant do what you want. Very uninformed buyer here.

Until then I could suggest a workaround for you: create the presentation in the desktop application without connecting to the internet and then export the presentation for offline use. Before connecting to the internet, delete the presentation from the desktop application. This way you will have the offline standalone presentation which you can present (not edit) and nothing will be synced to our servers.

I never got back to this thread, but should have done so. The issue was solved quite some time ago with a new version of the Prezi Next desktop app. Thank you @Catarina and the Prezi team for continued support.

Hello @Abdelaziz_Sharaf, @Johannes_Radinger, Prezi Next Desktop currently does not support the Linux operating system unfortunately. However, you may be able to succeed in running the desktop application by emulating Windows within your Linux system or by using an application such as Wine. Please note these are not solutions that have been tested and approved by the Prezi team. Therefore, we do not recommend them or offer any advice on using them at this time. I apologize for any inconvenience.

I can confirm this issue. PDFs with transparent background work in Prezi desktop and exported PDFs, but a white background in WIN executables (Prezi

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As a supplement: even the Prezi desktop symbols (stored in \AppData\Local\PreziPitch\app-\editor\resources\symbols\graphics) forfeit their transparency if inserted as image file, whereas the same file dragged and dropped via the editor (here: icons & symbols for dark prezis) holds its transparency in WIN executables.

Hello Bart!

Same thing here - I have some old prezis (lectures, even one whole course) I would like to use in Prezi next or at least to use / convert them to next to use them also in future!

Thank you!


I understand that Prezi Next Desktop App automatically downloads each and every presentation I have on my cloud space.

This is really unnecessary, since many Prezis are historical ones on which I am not working any longer, but still need to be on cloud.

There are several drawbacks to this design of the desktop app, the main one being that, as you produce more and more Prezis, you fill up your local drive with all of them, and they take a lot of space.

So I am suggesting and asking for the following feature:

Please implement a way to separate the Prezis that are synchronized on the Prezi Next Desktop App, from those who will only stay on the cloud.

Thanks a lot!


Cristiano Plini

So my workaround is to run the Prezi desktop editor on my laptop screen only. However, when I click present the on my laptop screen the editor tosses the presentation over to the 2nd monitor, the ultrawide screen. In this scenario the Prezi desktop program will consistently crash as soon as the presentation tries to appear. As a workaround, I would like to tell Prezi desktop to not try to present to the second monitor. but there is no control for that.

When I open my prezi next application and try to log in , it says unable to connect to internet. I have allowed all the pop ups and security permission that i knew still not able to login to my prezi next application on my computer

may I please ask if there is any possibility to sync my presentations manually besides clicking on the cloud od the right bottom? I have made some important changes online in my prezies and prezi next says edited 22 minutes ago and ignore my changes I made just a few minutes ago.

Could you please let me know the title of your presentation so that I can investigate further? Additionally, could you let me know whether the sync issue happens on the Prezi Next desktop application or the web editor?

@Bart The workaround is to kill all the Prezi desktop processes and start the desktop application again. I haven never seen the problem happen twice after restarting, but that does not mean it could not happen. The issue is easily avoided by simply restarting, however it leaves us will a distraction and feeling of mistrust that something got corrupted.

Prezi is a cloud-based presentation application (for both Mac and PC) that lets you organize and share ideas and information in a very dynamic way. You can lead your students (and audience) on a visual journey, collaborate in real time across time zones, and run your presentation from the cloud, desktop, iPad, or iPhone. In Intro to Prezi NEXT, you learn how to set up a free account, navigate the canvas, create topics and subtopics, utilize templates, apply text, images and video, and use the Tool/Prezi Editor.

I believe that currently, the Webex Training does not support Virtual Cameras. If that is the case, that would mean you'd have to share your screen and have Prezi Video already open with your presentation. This would allow you to be inside your presentation and could be a fun way to present your training. I recorded my desktop as an example of how I would do it.

If I expand the camera (with the prezi) it doesn't do this on the recording. The only way I can do that is if I share my screen which stops the prezi flowing, it's more staccato - does that make sense?

Prezi helps you take your presentations to the next level of engagement. Using motion and zoom along with unique graphics, you can truly customize each presentation. Prezi is a free tool, and presentations can be embedded into your Connect course pages.

Collaborate is a Java based, online tool that allows you to connect with your students in real time. Access Collaborate though your course modules on Connect and web conferencing becomes easy. You can record your lectures, share your desktop with students, and upload files for presentation.

Until recently, I've abbandoned hope with trying to get @font-face working on pages I make for my school. That is ... until I discovered Prezi. If you go to with IE9 and Internet site security settings set to "medium high," you'll se that the site still magically loads its "PT Sans" font on the page straight from the fonts.googleapis site. When I discovered this, I literally spent an entire 24-hour period trying to reverse engineer their method, couldn't replicate it with my off-site server, then spent the next 24 hours tracking down the front end developers of Prezi to see if they could let me in on their secret (hey, it's the government, we have free time), all to no avail of course.

My IT guys are not helpful either, telling me things I already know, like "medium-high" security settings block @font-face, duh (but obviously they don't, because Prezi did it). They certainly have bigger fish to fry. As a pacifier, they pushed Chrome and FF to my cubicle. Most of what they deal with is "my screen is black" or "what's my desktop" type questions.

If you are interested in our Prezis you can get them online at www.prezi.com. We actually have two versions of our presenation. The one we will be using at the IG is at -a-mobile-recommendation-engine/. We are also doing a full length presentation on Saturday morning from 8-10: Reaching Your Patrons with the Mobile Web: Tips and Tricks for Customer Service Success, Anaheim Convention Center - 207C. You can find that presentation at: -4e6jcndx/gimme-a-great-library-app/. - Aimee

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