To Properly Remove a Tick

Follow These Steps

  1. Using a pair of tweezers, grasp the tick by the head or mouthparts where it entered the skin. Try not to grasp the tick by the body if possible to help prevent the ticks head or mouth parts from remaining lodged in the skin. (Studies have shown tick remover tools are easier to use and are more effective. See more information below.)
  2. Without jerking, pull firmly and steadily directly outward. Do not twist the tick out or apply soap, petroleum jelly, a hot match, kerosene, alcohol or any other irritant to the tick in an attempt to get it to back out. Doing so can force the ticks fluids into the bite wound increasing your risk of acquiring a tick borne disease.
  3. Place the tick in a partially filled bottle of rubbing alcohol to kill it. Mark the bottle clearly with the word "ticks" so it will not be used by anyone for any other purpose. Alcohol bottles have a tight fitting lid and can hold many ticks before having to be disposed of in the trash. Do not crush or burn the tick as it can spread germs in the process.
  4. Clean the bite wound with soap, water and a disinfectant to help prevent secondary infections.
  5. After the tick is removed, wash your hands and the tweezers throughly with hot soap and water.

Lucy Barnes

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes