Nevertheless it is not sufficient to use a child theme to prevent (accidental) updates, because there is a severe bug in the wordpress update-routine: Wordpress first checks whether there is a theme with the same name and a higher version number in the Wordpress repository. If so, it will be offered and imported as an update. It does not matter whether the theme in question is a child theme!

While WordPress compressing images automatically is meant to be a convenience, it can end up creating too many files that take up unnecessary storage, and lead to backups that are too large. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening.

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Put simply, WordPress automatically resizes images to help you save bandwidth and prevent you from having to manually resize images. For example, the image size you would use for a post thumbnail is much different than what you would use for an image slider on your home page. By generating additional image sizes, WordPress makes it easier for you to select the most appropriate option for each use case.

Another reason for restricting direct access to PHP files is to prevent attackers from bypassing or avoiding security measures (such as authentication) when code is split-up into smaller files (which will then be included and used together with other code)

The above 13 tips should get you started on preventing a WordPress hack. Acunetix can help automate the processs of WordPress Security by scanning for over 1200 vulnerable WordPress Plugins & Misconfigurations, checking for weak WordPress admin passwords, WordPress username enumeration, detecting malware disguised as plugins and more.

Search engines are the source for most traffic to a website on the Internet. However, there are times when you might not want sites like Google to crawl your content. In those cases, perhaps you want to prevent WordPress from being indexed in search results.

Although most websites thrive on bringing traffic from search results, there are several reasons why you might want to prevent this. In reality, not everything on the Internet needs to show up in Google.

Out of the millions upon millions of websites on the Internet, a lot of them are set to prevent WordPress from being indexed in sites like Google and Bing. Not every situation calls for an influx of visitor traffic.

Blocking certain users can effectively combat spam by preventing repeat offenders and disrupting organized malicious activities. Users or IPs with a history of engaging in spam activities can be identified and blocked, limiting their ability to continue flooding your website with unwanted content.

WPForms is considered the best form plugins for its spam prevention features. It comes with built-in anti-spam features like a token system. It also integrates easily with other anti-spam methods like reCAPTCHA.

If your website has encountered errors or bugs that need to be fixed, putting it in maintenance mode can prevent visitors from experiencing these issues. It gives you the opportunity to address the problems without causing inconvenience to your users.

Enabling maintenance mode helps prevent visitors from encountering errors or issues that may occur during updates, design changes, or functionality modifications. It reduces the risk of broken pages, missing content, or other inconsistencies.

If your site is undergoing major changes or updates, putting it in maintenance mode can prevent search engines from indexing incomplete or broken content. This helps maintain the SEO integrity of your site and avoids negative impacts on search engine rankings.

However, disabling all updates will prevent update notifications from appearing. Instead, you can choose your preferred settings. You can disable plugin and theme auto-updates while enabling the core WordPress auto-updates.

Ryan, Formidable forms is one of the popular forms out there and hence it has become a target for spammers. You have listed some very important options to weed out spam. We would like to suggest the Antideo Email Validator plugin that works out of the box with Formidable Forms, to validate emails preventing disposable emails, free emails, emails from invalid domains, generic emails etc. You can also create and save your own email as well as domain blacklists.

Ryan, it would be wonderful if you can include us in your blog as one of the options to further secure your contact forms

In this guide, we will show you how to effectively stop and prevent a DDoS attack on WordPress. Our goal is to help you learn how to manage your website security against a DDoS attack like a total pro.

DDoS attacks can be cleverly disguised and difficult to deal with. However, with some basic security best practices, you can prevent and easily stop DDoS attacks from affecting your WordPress website.

We hope this article helped you learn how to block and prevent a DDoS attack on WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to fix the most common WordPress errors and our expert picks for the best WordPress managed hosting providers.

Prevent Direct Access (PDA) offers a simple solution to protect your WordPress files as well as prevent Google, other search engines and unwanted users from indexing and stealing your hard-to-produce ebooks, documents, and videos.

The iThemes Security Pro Local Brute Force Protection feature keeps track of invalid login attempts made by a host or IP address and a username. Once an IP or username has made too many consecutive invalid login attempts, they will get locked out and will be prevented from making any more attempts for a set period of time.

When running a website, especially with the increase in brute force attacks against WordPress sites, it is important to protect yourself. Thankfully, BruteProtect will allow you to easily and automatically block attacks. As BruteProtect stores known attack sources in its database, many attacks are stopped before they even begin. In this article, we will show you how to prevent WordPress brute force attacks using BruteProtect.

WordPress contact form spam is what happens when bots fill out your online forms. This spam typically points to malware, phishing links, or sales messages. You can prevent it by using services like Google reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, or Cloudflare. You can also block and restrict certain messages or IP addresses.

If you want a super easy spam prevention method, the WPForms anti-spam token is the best option. Previously, we supported a honeypot field, but we depreciated it because modern spambots are smart enough to bypass a honeypot.

Akismet is a popular anti-spam plugin. It can identify and block suspicious form submissions automatically to prevent fake entries, making it one of the top alternatives to Google reCAPTCHA. To learn how they compare, take a look at our Akismet vs reCAPTCHA review.

Do you want to protect the data stored on your portal and prevent unauthorized access? So enjoy an extra level of security by enabling two-factor authentication. In this case, if someone decides to hack your WordPress, even having your password will need your phone to access it.

Timer is a complementary technique that consists of preventing more than 2 attempts in a row by ns seconds. Your visitors will see no change if you take a margin of 2 seconds, while the robot that must enter hundreds of attempts per second will be delayed. So you reduce the speed of attack.

There are other methods to protect WordPress against brute force attacks, but this one is one of the easiest and fastest to set up. Another benefit of this method that can completely prevent hackers from accessing your login page is that it can also protect you against other forms of hacking.

When it comes to preventing spam and fraud, vigilance is key. Keep a watchful eye on the reports and metrics provided by your payment processor, especially in regard to blocked or declined transactions.

Want more examples of how you can use Unique Field to prevent duplicated submissions or create a single-use coupon code? Check our article Limit Submission Entries in Your Form By User, IP, or Date! You can even learn how to limit submissions by Date/Time with our Advanced Datepicker add-on!

We hope we took a weight off your shoulders now that you know how to prevent duplicate submissions in WordPress. If you are eager to learn more about form submissions, we have excellent resources that will walk you through everything you need to know:

Our integration will the WPFail2Ban plugin can help you further block bots from posting spam by identifying patterns of bad behavior (such as trying to post comments to non-existent posts), and logging any comments that you mark as spam, preventing those IPs from posting further spam in the future.

WordPress natively includes functionality that will allow you to add your own blacklist to prevent all types of spam. An excellent resource to get started with this is the Splorp WordPress Comment Blacklist:

There's nothing in the WordPress core to handle PNG image compression, so uploading PNGs is without doubt the quickest and easiest way to prevent WordPress from compressing your image files. But that doesn't mean it's the best solution.

A typical configuration of the autosave feature would automatically save changes every 60 seconds, ensuring that no edits are lost in case the current version of the content is not saved by the user. This feature can be extremely helpful in preventing data loss. But it may cause performance issues related to the excessive usage of server resources.

WP multisitemultisite Used to describe a WordPress installation with a network of multiple blogs, grouped by sites. This installation type has shared users tables, and creates separate database tables for each blog (wp_posts becomes wp_0_posts). See also network, blog, site is a product of wordpress. Your article says

Our 5 simple steps to prevent WordPress hacks have provided a quick overview of some of the ways you can keep your website safe. To learn more, including how to make regular backups and update your plugins and themes, read our comprehensive guide on how to improve WordPress website security. ff782bc1db

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