- Includes automatic support for 1-5 (and more) monitor configurations! You don't have to do anything, it will recognize your other monitors automatically.

- You can choose color schemes! If you're tired of the lime green matrix animation, you can now choose red, yellow, white, blue, gold, pink, or even rotate each of them! You can also specify how often to rotate them.

- Includes an option mini-slideshow of images - displaying on a small CRT in the matrix. Cool! You choose a local image directory (supports bmp, gif, jpg, etc.), and it randomly displays the images (smart-sized for the small monitor they're shown in). Here are a few screenshots: pic 1, pic 2. To find some good images, visit the official Matrix site. To get the best animation effect with this feature, use images at least around 400 pixels wide. :)

Includes options to play your favorite MP3 files while the screensaver plays. You can download this sample music text file (playlist file) which shows the format needed. The text file MUST be in the same folder as the screensaver.

Matrix Screensaver Kelly

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://blltly.com/2y2Q7V 🔥

- Under a new "Web Window" tab in the Settings window there's a COOL, new feature: the "web window". This optional feature allows you to specify a web page to show in the screensaver! It can be a local html page or a remote web page. What's cool is that you can simply code your own html page to show flash, quicktime, cgi, etc....or ALL the above! You also specify the location and size of the 'web window', so you can place it anywhere you like - positioning it on a certain monitor, etc. Obviously, this opens-up many options. What you can do is go to the official Matrix movie pages and download the high-res Quicktime movies and configure a page to show them horizontally, etc. You could also set-up your own slideshow of your images using your own flash or javascript functions. All kinds of ideas... Have fun with this and please donate to help support this starving artist. :)

I don't use a screen saver, just have the screen set to time out and go to sleep, with a password required on wakeup. When I worked at a university (left there about 5 years ago) the students all loved setting the screensavers on their personal laptops to be a slideshow of their picture gallery. Saw some pretty interesting things that way...

We do. In fact we have a mix of two! In one side of the company we have a screensaver that talks about scams, malware and viruses as well as how to avoid them and where to report them within the company etc. The other side has a copy of the flash animation from our website, which talks about the company principles etc. Eventually they will all use the one about malware though.

# NOTE: # type nano in cli to start text editor. copy and paste script above. to save press ctrl o. Name file matrix.sh press enter then press ctrl x to exit. do a ls to see you have it saved. type chmod 744 matrix.sh ff782bc1db

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