S1 Spanish

Before you begin your language learning journey at Prestwick Academy, you MUST take the time to explore the country and its culture. We LOVE Spain!

Fluency Roadmap

  1. Change the paintbrush to text - bottom of the page

  2. Type all of the tasks that you will complete to become fluent in Spanish (remember to choose things you enjoy!)

  3. Sign your learning plan and submit to your teacher - top right envelope icon

Term 1

Básicos y Cultura

Los Países de Europa

Term 2

El Tiempo Libre


Term 3

Mi Familia y Mis Amigos

S1 Sp Term 3 - Familia y Mascotas


Las Fiestas Project

Create a PowerPoint, a Kahoot or a digital poster on any Fiesta in Spain or Latin America - upload on to the Padlet below.

Term 1

Interactive Workbook Spanish Term 1

S1 SPANISH TERM 1 interactive workbook.pdf


Complete the survey at the end of Term 3 - 2022