How to Write a Professional Press Release: A Sample Template Guide

A Example Form for Writing a Professional Press Release

If you're an entrepreneur or small business owner, you're probably already familiar with the power of press release format . In fact, if you haven't been following the news lately, it's a sure sign that your company has some PR issues. But what if you want to get the word out about your company and its products without paying for expensive marketing tactics? That's where this guide comes in! We'll walk through how to write a professional press release from start to finish—including how to choose a compelling headline, include the who, what, when, where and why as well as how long each section should be (and how much space there is between paragraphs). Take this advice from our experts below and get started on your next campaign today:

Choose a compelling headline that captures the essence of your story.

The headline is the first thing that people will see, so it's important to choose one that captures the essence of your story. You should use keywords in your headline to help search engines find your release.

It's also critical that you keep things short and sweet, while still communicating what exactly it is you're saying in just a few words or two! The ideal length for a headline would be no longer than 20 characters (we'll talk about this more later).

Include the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of the story.

The first section of a press release example  is the who, what, when, where and why. This should be the bulk of your content and should include a brief description of each element.

The second section is usually a smaller block that talks about why this story is important or relevant to your company's brand identity. If you're covering an industry-related topic (like marketing), this may include some examples or statistics that demonstrate its importance in the marketplace.

Write in an inverted pyramid format, starting with the most important information first.

When writing a press release template , you want to keep it short and sweet. A good rule of thumb is to write the first paragraph first and then fill out each subsequent paragraph with more details.

Here's an example:

"In today's competitive market environment, companies must be able to communicate clearly and effectively with their target audiences in order for them to trust their products or services. Because of this need for communication excellence across all channels -- social media platforms like Facebook & Twitter as well as traditional media outlets such as local newspapers -- we have developed our new product line which includes two new lines: one designed specifically for female consumers (Femme) who are looking for products that cater toward their specific needs related specifically around beauty & fashion; while another line is aimed at male consumers (Manly).

Include a quote from an executive or spokesperson.

Include a quote from an executive or spokesperson. This quote should not be from a spokesperson, but from an actual executive or decision maker. This helps to lend credibility to your story and gives the reader insight into what is driving the company’s decisions.

Make sure the name of your company and the quote are included in the first paragraph of your press release sample . The name of your organization should be bolded, followed by "said" or "expressed."

If you are quoting someone else's words, make sure that these words represent exactly what they mean and do not contain any additional information that could confuse readers (for example: "A spokeswoman for XYZ Company said...").

Include a strong call to action.

A press release is a great way to get people's attention, but it should also be easy for them to contact you. Include a clear call-to-action in your press release that tells readers how they can get in touch with you. This could be something like "If interested in learning more about our company or products, please contact us at [email]".

If there is any extra information that needs to be included on your website (like pricing), include it in this section of the template as well.

Keep the press release to one page, using language that is easy to understand.

The news release example  should be no longer than one page, but you can use longer if necessary. Keep it simple, and use active verbs where appropriate. The most important thing is to make sure your readers understand what you're saying.

Include contact information at the end of the release.

At the end of your press release, include contact information for each person who contributed to it. Include their names, phone numbers and email addresses, LinkedIn profiles and Twitter handles if they have them. If they don't have these things but you know who they are (and feel comfortable sharing that information), then feel free to mention them as well.

This list should also include any other relevant details such as a company's website address or product page URL where people can learn more about what they're offering.

Use short paragraphs, no more than four sentences each.

In order to write a professional media release template , you need to keep your copy short and sweet. It's easy to write long paragraphs that don't make sense--particularly if you're writing about complex topics. A good rule of thumb is that each sentence should be no longer than four words (unless there are multiple ideas).

In addition, try not to use passive voice verbs like "was" or "was found." Instead, use active ones like "found," "discovered," or even just the name of whatever it was! (For example: "The new research from University College London was published in Science.")

Finally, remember that if people read your article on their phones or tablets--which is increasingly common these days--you want them to see as much information as possible without scrolling down too far into another page. So include bulleted lists where appropriate; headings such as dates/times/locations will help readers keep track of what's happening without losing focus on the main point(s) being made in each paragraph; and subheadings can help break up long pieces into smaller chunks so people don't get lost while reading through them (even if they do have separate sections themselves).

The most important thing to remember is that the process of writing a media release example  is a learning experience. As you get more comfortable with the process, you will find your own style and tone. It’s also important to keep in mind that this process can take some time to complete; therefore, be patient with yourself as well as others during these early stages of development!

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