Whether at a ski resort or home in Springs, it's critical to protect your eyes from the sun's harmful UV rays. And if you wear prescription glasses, nothing beats a dependable pair of prescription sunglasses.

They Are Beneficial

Prescription sunglasses are especially useful for those who dislike wearing contact lenses. It's difficult to protect your eyes from the sun if you don't wear contacts and do not want to do anything outside on a bright sunny day. Sure, some lenses transition to sunglasses in bright light, but waiting for them to transition back can be annoying. Clip-on covers can also be worn on top of your regular glasses, which can also be inconvenient. Prescription sunglasses can be worn whenever you're outside in the sun, providing a clear vision and UV protection.

They Protect Against UV Rays And High-Energy Visible (Hev) Blue Light.

UV light from the sun belongs to the non-visible light spectrum, while HEV blue light has a short wavelength on the visible spectrum and can be harmful to our eyes. Exposure to these types of light can lead to various age-related vision conditions as we age. Sunglasses are extremely useful because they block this type of light, protecting our eyes and vision. Prescription sunglasses protect you from harmful sunlight while also providing clear vision.

Cataracts and Other Age-Related Conditions Are Reduced

As previously stated, wearing sunglasses can help protect our eyes from harmful light waves. While cataracts are perhaps the most well-known condition caused by sun exposure, there are a few others that you should be aware of.

  • Cataracts are a type of gradual clouding of the lens.

  • Macular degeneration is caused by damage to the retinal tissue.

  • Pterygium is a condition in which tissue grows over the white part of the eye. It will eventually cover the cornea, impairing vision.

  • Pinguecula: A yellowish growth or bump forms on the inner side of the eye, similar to pterygium. Changes in the tissue on the cornea, known as the conjunctiva, cause it.

  • Photokeratitis is corneal swelling or inflammation, also known as sunburn of the cornea.

When You're Outside, You Need Clear Vision.

Squinting all the time in the sun may be comfortable, but it can be dangerous to drive without clear vision. Prescription sunglasses give you the best of both worlds: eye protection and the clear vision you need to stay safe and live your life.

From Heavyglare, get prescription sunglasses.

If you haven't yet tried prescription sunglasses, now is the time. You may have been able to get by with regular glasses, clip-ons, or transition lenses, but getting clear vision and sun protection is a new ball game. Heavyglare is a trusted American-based company that began in St. Paul, Minnesota, moved to Eagan, Minnesota, and now resides in Burnsville, Minnesota. However, with the help of the internet, we have mastered servicing our global customer base with just a few clicks. Heavyglare has evolved into the premier, detail-oriented location to meet all of your needs. We offer guaranteed satisfaction with over a hundred major brands and can meet even the most unusual prescription needs, whether online or in our store.