Optional Pathways

Executive Functioning and the Escalation Curve

Facilitator: Elizabeth Osberger

Optional Pathway - Executive Functioning PD Flyer - Oct 2022

Passcode: Parkrose1! (Case Sensitive)

Disrupt! Agents of Change!

Facilitator: Elizabeth Osberger

Flyer - Optional Pathway- Disrupt! Agents of Change! - 2.15.23.pdf
Disrupting Compliance Based Pedagogy

Passcode: Parkrose1! (Case Sensitive)

Sheltered Instruction, 101

Facilitators: Molly Ennis & Renée Leury

Flyer - Optional Pathway - 4.26.23 - v3.jpg
Copy of Sheltered Istruction 101 Workshop

Counseling Skills for Teachers!

Facilitators: Megan Davis & Jen Niese

Flyer - Optional Pathway - Counseling Skills for Teachers - 5.10.23.pdf
Counseling Skills for Teachers

Passcode: Parkrose1! (Case Sensitive)