
What is the connection between the partition function and counting in statistical mechanics?


Why infinity and asymptotics matter in theoretical computer science?

Why Infinity and Asymptotics Matter in Theoretical Computer Science

What is the tension with finite real-world computations?

What is the tension with finite real-world computations

When should we focus on infinity or asymptotics in algorithm analysis?

When should we focus on infinity or asymptotics in algorithm analysis?

Why infinity and asymptotics matter in theoretical computer science?

Why Infinity and Asymptotics Matter in Theoretical Computer Science

How do the diverse patterns appear ubiquitous in nature?

How do the diverse patterns appear ubiquitous in nature?

Examples of biological systems that exhibit computational behavior?

Can you come up with some examples of biological computation from your own life experience?

How does the “computations” done in the biological world differ from that in the physical world as well as the mathematical formulation?

How does the “computations” done in the biological world differ from that in the physical world as well as the mathematical formulation?

An example of biological computation, and then formalize and abstract out the computational insight from it?

Can you provide an example of biological computation, and then formalize and abstract out the computational insight from it?

