Teacher's Page


Kaitlin Goldberg

Ramsey High School

Grades 9-12

Child Development


NJCCCS: 21st Century Career Readiness Practices

CRP1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.

When learning about and applying different roles within the classroom, students will demonstrate skills and responsibilities they will need in the real world.

CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.

After students learn about each role they will perform, they will apply skills to help run the preschool smoothly.

CRP11. Use technology to enhance productivity.

Throughout the project, students will utilize technology to complete each assessment.

8.1.12.A.1: Create a personal digital portfolio which reflects personal and academic interests, achievements, and career aspirations by using a variety of digital tools and resources.

By the end of this unit, students will add this information to the final portfolio for the course.

Brainy Bits

Multiple Intelligences

Visual: The visual learner will greatly appreciate the video. Within the video, students can see how using and not using routines in the classroom can affect the behaviors in the classroom.

Linguistic: The linguistic learner will enjoy and gain an understanding from the story they will read in the project.

Intrapersonal: When watching the video and reading the story, this type of learner will benefit because they can easily relate to the people. These are situations they are going to be in and they will have a better understanding of how to handle these situations.

Logical: The logical learner will benefit from filling out the chart when they are reading the story. It will keep them organized as they gather information.

Bloom's Taxonomy

Throughout this lesson, students will mainly use the bottom 2 steps of the pyramid: remember and understand. After the lesson about classroom routines and preschool roles, students will then apply their knowledge of each in the preschool setting. After completing each role in the classroom, students will be able to analyze and evaluate the information learned depending on the role they were in class.

Limbic System

Hypothalamus: This part of the system maintains balance which is need when students performs their roles.

Amygdala: The Amygdala stimulates emotions. During the preschool setting, students have to make conscience decisions on how to handle situations. This evokes whether the jump in to solve the situation or if they sit back and do nothing. Also, this part plays an important role how students perform each of the roles and the risks they will have to take with each of those roles in the classroom.

Hippocampus: This part of the brain is stimulated when students reach the preschool setting. Since this part has to do with long term storage, students will have to recall information previous learned to apply it to the new setting.

Thalamus: The Thalamus processes all the sense except for smell. This allows students to use their sense of sight, touch and hearing to process any situation within the classroom in which they may be responsible for.

Works Cited

Emmer, Edmund T., and Laura M. Stough. "Classroom Management: A Critical Part of Educational Psychology, With Implications for

Teacher Education." Educational Psychologist 36.2 (2001): 103-12. Web

Evertson, Carolyn M., and Edmund T. Emmer. Classroom management for elementary teachers. Boston: Pearson, 2017. Print.

Oliver, Regina M., and Daniel J. Reschly, PH.D. "Effective Classroom Management: Teacher Preparation and Professional Development."

National Comprehensive Center For Teacher Quality (2007): n. pag. Web.

Concept Map

Lesson Plan

Preschool Roles LP

Storytelling Chart

Storytelling Chart

Project Rubric

632 Project Rubric

Scored Project Rubric

632 Scored Rubric

Beta Test Form

I received great feedback from my follow peers on my project. They really enjoyed that I took the time to help my students understand the importance of routines because most high school students like to do there own thing. Many people thought it was a good idea to show a day in the life of a high school student in my class to help them relate. One thing I could approve upon is to make sure all links are working before I publish.