
Please note: It is a prerequisite from the headmaster that all aftercare boys are required to wear a plain navy t-shirt and navy shorts, in order to preserve their uniforms. Navy school shorts are available from the school shop. During winter, boys are allowed to wear their school tracksuits or a plain navy tracksuit purchased from any retailer.

Absenteeism for attendance at aftercare and his lift to extramural activities - It is imperative that the aftercare is notified if your son will not be in attendance for the days he has been booked. As well as not taking his lift to extramural activities. This notification needs to be received by SMS and not email. Please send notification to 082 342 7175.

If you are changing or adding to your extramural requirements. The form for changes is under the application form tab.

The links below will direct you to the extra-mural spreadsheets for Term 1 2018. These are for your reference.

The links below will direct you to the extra-mural spreadsheets for Term 2 & 3 2018. These are for your reference.


2018 Grade One Parents.

Applications for 2018 are open. It would be helpful for you to know that extra mural activities for Grade One only begins in February.

If you are uncertain about the extra mural activities you child will be taking part in, there will be time to resubmit those details. In the mean time you need to fill in the form according to what you would like your son to do. The form requires each question to have an answer.

On Grade One day Mrs Hammond and Mrs Cromhout will be there to meet you and answer any further questions.