Workshops in a Box:

Preparing Department Chairs for Meaningful and Productive Work


Workshops in a Box: Preparing Department Chairs for Meaningful and Productive Work provides tools for Deans, Faculty Development Directors, and others in higher education who seek to engage new department chairs across different disciplines through a series of targeted, interactive, and informative workshops. Each workshop is designed to take 45-minutes so they can be run in lunch-and-learn formats, regularly scheduled meetings, or virtually.

These materials were developed through an Associated Colleges of the South Working Group in Summer 2021. Members of the working group are faculty from colleges/universities including:

Birmingham Southern College

  • Dr. Stephanie Hansard, Assistant Professor of Sociology

Rollins College

  • Dr. MacKenzie Moon Ryan, Associate Professor of Art History

  • Dr. Anne Stone, Associate Professor of Communication

Southwestern University

  • Dr. Mike Gesinski, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry

  • Dr. Valerie Renegar, Professor of Communication Studies

University of Richmond

  • Dr. Jeff Carlson, Associate Professor of Marketing

  • Dr. Joanna Wares, Associate Professor of Mathematics

Building Community

We created four modules that could be used to facilitate conversation among department chairs about departmental culture and the importance of building community. Department chairs might also consider ways to use the materials in their own work with colleagues. We hope this helps create a culture invested in each other's success.

Developing a Foundation in Leadership

Developing a Foundation in Leadership

This module begins by defining leadership and addresses strategies for building a strong foundation and addressing accountability in departments. Three scenarios at the end of the module provide opportunities for conversation and application of strategies.

Copy of Creating a Supportive Communication Climate and Providing Feedback

Creating a Supportive Climate

This module describes what it means to create and work in a supportive communication climate. Through a series of reflections and exercises, participants will consider ways to improve department culture.

Copy of Managing Conflict as a Department Chair

Managing Conflict

This module provides an overview of conflict management styles and leadership styles to provide new department chairs some background in navigating challenging situations. Scenarios for exploring different approaches to managing conflict are offered as opportunities for discussion.

Copy of Draft: Anti-racist Academic Departments

Educating About Anti-Racism

This module defines anti-racism and provides information for department chairs who want to take steps to ensure a more equitable and just department culture.


We created two modules that highlight strategies for building a culture of mentoring.

Draft: Creating department standards for success (Jeff and Joanna)

Creating Department Standards for Success

This module describes reasons for creating standards in a department and provides helpful guidance for how to begin the process in your department.

Draft: Mentoring colleagues pre-tenure (Val)

Mentoring Pre-tenure Faculty

This module highlights the important work department chairs can do to support pre-tenure colleagues in three common areas of evaluation: research, teaching, and service.

If you use the modules, please give us some feedback by filling out this short survey.