Surviving in a Post SHTF America

Preparing for SHTF is a site dedicated to understanding the what would happen to America if society were to collapse. Regardless of how society happens to collapse, the end result will likely be the same. Get ready while you can!

We cover everything from Bug Out Bags to Survival Skills to Nuclear Attack! Take some time to look around and learn how to be better prepared.

Life After a Collapse...SHTF in America!.pdf

What to do When SHTF.docx.pdf
Zombie Apocalypse Gear List.docx.pdf
Food Storage For Beginners.docx.pdf
Here's How You Survive A Nuclear Attack.docx.pdf
9 Best SHTF Survival Axes.docx.pdf
Americans Are Self Medicating With Fish Antibiotics.docx.pdf
Can trauma kits help police control severe bleeding.docx.pdf
SHTF Preparation Links and Resources