News and Events

The Convergent and External Validity of Risk Preference Elicitation Methods: Controlling for Measurement Error in a Large Population Sample - Arno Riedl

Models towards Risk Preference Prediction and Analysis - Seun Adekunle

The Convergent and External Validity of Risk Preference Elicitation Methods: Controlling for Measurement Error in a Large Population Sample - Peter Werner

The Convergent and External Validity of Risk Preference Elicitation Methods: Controlling for Measurement Error in a Large Population Sample – Paul Bokern

The Convergent and External Validity of Risk Preference Elicitation Methods: Controlling for Measurement Error in a Large Population Sample – Paul Bokern 

Convergent and external validity of risk preference elicitation methods: Controlling for measurement error in a large Dutch sample – Arno Riedl

The measurement of risk preferences - Peter Werner

Measuring Risk Preferences: Do I look at your choices or simply ask you? – Paul Bokern

Convergent and external validity of risk preference elicitation methods: Controlling for measurement error in a large Dutch sample – Paul Bokern

A comparison of pension relevant preferences, traits, skills, and attitudes between the Dutch self-employed and employees - Arno Riedl

Personal life events and individual risk preferences - Peter Werner

Convergent and external validity of risk preference elicitation methods: Controlling for measurement error in a large Dutch sample – Paul Bokern 

Personal life events and individual risk preferences - Jona Linde 

Risicopreferentieonderzoek: de uitkomsten van verschillende methoden vergeleken (Risk preference research: comparing the results of various methods) - Jona Linde (joint with Jorgo Goossens)

The nature of risk attitudes: Evidence from a large population sample – Paul Bokern

Personal life events and individual risk preferences – Paul Bokern

Behavioral Traits of the Dutch Self-Employed - Paul Bokern

Measuring preferences, beliefs and biases of the Dutch - Paul Bokern, Jona Linde, Arno Riedl and Peter Werner

Risicovoorkeuren en gedrag – Paul Bokern

Measuring Risk Preferences - Arno Riedl

Effect of life events on risk preferences: a literature review and new results based on CBS data - Peter Werner

(Part of Netspar Topicality Project “Dynamics of risk preferences”)

Measuring Risk Attitudes: Why and How - Jona Linde

The numbers tell the tale? A survey of risk preference measures and their relation to field behaviour - Paul Bokern 

Stacking choices; interactions in choice architecture and between time and risk - Jona Linde

(Part of Netspar Topicality Project “Stacking choices; interactions in choice architecture and between time and risk”)

Applied Data Science in the Pensions Industry - Seun Adekunle


The program of the symposia included, among other things, contributed paper sessions related to the topics of “Borrowing, Saving and Self Control”, “Choices under Uncertainty”, “Behavioral Finance” or “Financial Decision-Making and Pensions”. Moreover, practitioners shared their views and experiences on how their apply behavioral insights in their work at M-BEPS.


Please find more information about the two events via:

To measure is to know: measurement methods for risk preferences from the economic literature - Paul Bokern

The effect of the COVID-19 crisis on economic and social preferences - Paul Bokern

Risikotolerantie: meten is weten - Arno Riedl

Het meten van voorkeuren en gedrag tijdens Corona; leer uw stakeholders en uzelf beter begrijpen

Paul Bokern, Jona Linde - together with Jorgo Goossens (Tilburg University) and Marike Knoef (Leiden University))

The effect of the COVID-19 crisis on economic preferences - Paul Bokern

Applied data science in the pension industry: a survey and outlook - Seun Adekunle