
Click below to donate to The Precipice Foundation

The Precipice Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity. Donors will receive a PayPal Giving Fund tax receipt by email.

100% of your donation goes toward the mission of preventing homelessness before it's too late, and helping families and individuals pull themselves back from the precipice of poverty.

You may be surprised at just how little it can cost to help a family find their feet in a financial crisis. The fact is that 4 out of 5 Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, and even in a dire situation, 44% of Americans cannot afford a $400 emergency expense. For these 44%, $400 can be the difference between stability, and homelessness. For a smaller but significant portion of the population, that amount drops from $400, to just $100, or even less some months.

Every cent makes a difference.

If you're an expert in budgeting, financial planning, identifying and facilitating social services, grant writing, or anything else that you think we could use, and you'd like to help out, you can do so by signing up to volunteer!