Precious Plastic Florida brings a truly unique and interactive module to your live event! Our machines follow the open-source designs created by Dutch inventor Dave Hakkens and made available FREE online for anyone to download and build. Precious Plastic aims to connect people who want to know more about recycling with those who are actually doing it!
By demonstrating our machines live, we show attendees how they could build their own or get involved with existing groups in their community! We aim to educate people about the different types of plastic they encounter every day and how they are being recycled. Throughtout our demonstration, attendees are invited to bring thier plastic cups and utensils as we process them through our machines to make a custom pendant for your event!
By co-branding your event with Precious Plastic Florida, you can contribute to a project that is actually doing something about our plastic waste issue ON THE SPOT! If you are going to have single-use plastic at your event, then we can make your event more sustainable and leave a lasting impression with the attendees about your commitment to the Earth.
Upcoming Events
Hulaween 2023
Past Events
Love Burn - Thursday, February 6th, 2020 – Monday, February 10th, 2020 - Historic Virginia Key Beach, FL
Sensi Magazine Launch Party - Friday, January 31st, 2020 - Hyde House, Tampa, FL
Sarasota Native American Indian Festival - Friday, January 24th, 2020 - Sunday, January 26th 2020 - Sarasota Fairgrounds, FL