Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you need research?

A: No, not for PA school. PA schools place more emphasis of patient care experience and clinical hours.

Q: Do I take PACAT or GRE? I can't find practice exams for the PACAT.

A: Most schools do not require the GRE or PACAT. The GRE is optional for most schools (again, please check each school's website). Because the PACAT is relatively new, PA schools have not made it a requirement.

Q: Should you only become a certified EMT or medical assistant in order to obtain PCE or is there other options?

A: There are definitely other options! Each school has different standards, but phlebotomy, certified nurse assistant, patient care technician, and physical therapy aide are some examples.

Q: Should I take a gap year to do all the patient care hours?

A: If you need more clinical experience, yes! A gap year, sometimes called a "growth year" is necessary for students to focus on getting the patient contact and clinical hours required for PA schools.

Q: Does PA program length matter?

A: Some students factor this into choosing a PA program, but what ultimately matters is for you to pass the licensing exam and become a PA! PA programs may be longer or shorter due to the amount of breaks they have, or depending on how much time is allocated for their masters research project. Keep in mind that all ARC-PA accredited PA programs are equally authorized to teach and prepare you to become a physician assistant.