Praxis Care Invests in Your Personal Care

Vernon Hills – One of the many benefits of sports performance testing in Vernon Hills is to establish the strengths and weaknesses of an athlete. This is done by comparing fitness test results with other athletes in the same training group, the same sport, or in a similar population group. By comparing the results to successful athletes, you can see which areas need improvement and the training program can be modified accordingly. In order to administer it properly, it is necessary to consult with professionals to help you achieve your goal. If so, look no further! Praxis Care is committed to helping you every step of the way.

Praxis Care’s sports performance testing in Vernon Hills can help their competitive clients realize their goals in the sports and activities that are a major focus in their lives. With their extensive experience in working with everyone from aspiring teenagers to professional athletes, they are leveraged to guide and motivate you in becoming stronger, faster, and more agile in ways that will make your specific pursuits successful.

With their state-of-the-art facilities, they are able to provide a unique environment in which to assess sports performance, ranging from the benefits of regular exercise to high-level performance. They also make use of a wide range of equipment which includes the Smith machine (shoulder press and squat rack), Maxicam bench press machine, dumbbells (5-55 lb set), free weight benches (900 lbs of free weight plates), standing leg curl machine, leg press/squat machine, treadmills, StairMasters, Airdyne bikes, Plyotoss rebounder, BAPS board, Bosu balance balls, and thera-balls.

All of their sports performance programs entail direct, one-on-one sessions with one of their licensed physical therapists. The process starts off with an initial comprehensive evaluation which will incorporate the assessments of posture, flexibility, movement ability, strength, and balance. Then, they will sit down with you in order to learn more about your vision and desires throughout the program. This way, they can define the program goals and integrate them with your own. Next, they will create an exercise program that is specially designed for you based on your current status and physical potential. This is to enhance your performance to the maximum level and realize your defined goals. And lastly, they will establish an injury prevention program for your knees, ankles, quads, hamstrings, elbows, shoulders, ACL’s, and your lower back which is an element incorporated into many sports performance regimens.

Praxis Care focuses on the ankles by administering joint mobilization, strength training, proprioceptive training, and patient education. They focus on the back and neck or structures that support the spine and its joints including muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They teach and help you with specific exercises to regain full hip movements as well as a normal range of motion, stability, balance, and strength on your knees so you can return to your daily activities. They will also help your shoulders’ flexibility and strength while focusing on specific muscles.

Whether your goal is to lose weight, get fit, train for a specific sport, prepare for a marathon, or join an ironman triathlon, their services can be an investment that will pay off in the long run. You can benefit from their testing through supporting lifestyle changes, measuring body composition and monitoring weight-related goals, monitoring your current fitness level and progress, establishing individualized training zones, supporting training programs based on scientific data, assessing your performance to prepare for upcoming events, assessing fat burning potential through exercise, and improving your performance through application of scientific principles.

At Praxis Care, they do things differently. They make sure everything is done with a personal investment in your care, your progress, and your goals because ultimately, it will be an investment for you. You can count on them to be there by your side with whatever you are aiming for or trying to get back into. You never have to feel alone because they are always present and hands-on. This has helped them create the successful reputation they have today.

So if you or your sports-crazy friend is determined to take it to the next level, you have come to the right place. Praxis Care is more than willing to help you reach your full potential through their sports performance testing in Vernon Hills. Contact them at 847-247-7200 and you can get there together!