
  • Class Representative ( CR ) - Information Technology Dept. , Techno India Saltlake , Batch (2017-2021)
  • Student Committee Member - Geekonix , The science & Technology Club of Techno India Saltlake
  • Student Committee Member - EDGE , The Annual Techno-Management Fest of Techno India Saltlake
  • Student Committee Member - CIIC , The Start-ups Cell of Techno India Saltlake
  • Student Committee Member - Computer Society of India ( CSI ) , Techno India Saltlake Chapter
  • Technical Committee Member - InspirIT , The Cultural Fest of Dept. of Information Technology , Techno India Saltlake
  • Student Volunteer - Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2018


MY PERSONAL BLOG - Prattay Chakrabarty

TECHNICAL BLOG - The AI Data Science

YOUTUBE CHANNEL - Prattay Chakrabarty