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  • V. Pratik, M. S. Bisht, and K. V. Srivastava, "Improving Performance of Mantle cloak for Electrically Large PEC Cylinders by Reducing Higher-Order Scattering Coefficients", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (2021)


  • Bisht, M. S., V. Pratik, and Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava, "Analysis and Realisation of a Wideband Cloak with Improved Cloaking Performance", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (2020): 1-14.


  • V. Pratik, M. S. Bisht, and K. V. Srivastava, "Improving Performance of Mantle Cloak for Electrically Large PEC Cylinders, in 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation", APCAP-2019, Incheon, Korea, August 4 - 7, 2019.