Work Experience
Sr AI Engineer, May 2019 - Present

  • Working on automatic title generation for audio snippets captured during the meeting

  • Building user and meeting level by extracting important keyphrases from different meeting resources

  • Detection of specific logos in images using Quality Aware Template Matching

  • Collaborated to classification of images captured automatically during screenshare into informative or not based on text in the image

  • Collaborated to automatic task detection in meeting data

  • Worked on Intent detection, Named Entity Recognition and Name correction

Brightcom Group
ML Engineer, September 2018 - February 2019

  • Worked on a research project focused on building an AI based agritech product. Built models for analysing the cropping patterns and predicting harvest using classification and clustering algorithms
Research Intern, May 2017 - August 2018

  • Was part of a team involved in building contextual chatbots for various domains along with independent natural language understanding modules

  • Implemented krnn and other clustering algorithms for the same on both supervised and unsupervised data

Research Assistant, May 2015 - March 2017

  • Developed working prototypes for diagnosis of 1000 diseases by using human disease ontology

  • Developed a domain agnostic dialog framework, scaling to multiple Indian languages

Progress Software
Software Intern, May 2016 - June 2016

  • Developed a Parser for an open source software framework, Swagger

Teaching Assistant, Monsoon 2014 and 2015

  • Responsible for aiding the professor in running tutorials, designing assignments and grading coursework for ElectricalScience-1 course