
Outreach in Covid Times

Links showcasing past outreach events

Talk at JNU Delhi on "Women & STEM Ecosystem"

International Talk with Communeeti

Faculty and Students from Patna Women's college participating in the webinar on Effective Tools for Research

Dr. Prasad presents at RSG! 2020  to high school students (Nov 2020)

Dr. Prasad offered STEM workshop on Materials Education to middle school students (March 2019)

Inside Out: Materials Edition

Middle School Students 

Demo of Electrospinner in BioMLab

This one-day workshop provides opportunity for eighth-graders to explore engineering, science, and technology. Know your Materials Inside Out! Some 50+ 8th grade girls explored structure-function relationship of materials (NitiNol, Polymers, and bones) through hands-on activities

Student Interacting with the showcase

Showcase "Know Your Materials" 

Dr. Prasad offered  workshop during SDSU Ready SET-Go!  for High Schoolers (Nov 2017)