
Journal articles


Mayiwar, L., Løhre, E., Chandrashekar, S., & Hærem, T. (2024). Does Desire for Status Increase Overconfidence? A Replication and Extension of Study 5 in Anderson et al. (2012). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:  Attitudes and Social Cognition. 

Chandrashekar, S., & Fillon, A. A. (in press). Framing the Default: Influence of Choosing vs Rejecting Frame on Default Effects. Experimental Psychology. [Pre-print]

Løhre, E., Chandrashekar, S., Mayiwar, L., & Hærem, T. (2024). Uncertainty, expertise, and persuasion: A replication and extension of Karmarkar and Tormala (2010). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Chandrashekar, S.P., Adelina, N., Zeng, S., Chiu, Y. Y., Leung, Y. S., Cheng, B., Henne, P., & Feldman, G. (2023). Defaults versus framing: Revisiting Default Effect and Framing Effect with replications and extensions of Johnson and Goldstein (2003) and Johnson, Bellman, and Lohse (2002)‎. Meta-Psychology. [Article

Bostyn, D. H., Chandrashekar, S. P., & Roets, A. (2023). Deontologists are not always trusted over utilitarians: Revisiting Inferences of Trustworthiness from Moral Judgments. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1665. [Article

Chandrashekar, S. P., Chan, Y. Y., Cheng, K. L., Yao, J., Feldman, G., et al. (2022). Revisiting the Folk Concept of Intentionality: Replications of Malle and Knobe (1997). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. [Article]

Efendić, E., Chandrashekar, S. P, Cheong, S., Yeung, L., Kim, M., Lee, C., & Feldman, G. (2021). Risky therefore not beneficial: Replication & extension of Finucane et al. (2000)'s Affect Heuristic experiment. Social Psychological and Personality Science. [Article] 

Chandrashekar, S. P., Cheng, Y. H., Fong, C. L., Leung, Y. C., Wong, Y. T., Cheng, B. L., & Feldman, G. (2021). Frequency estimation and semantic ambiguity do not eliminate ‎conjunction bias, when it occurs: Replication and extension of ‎Mellers, Hertwig, and Kahneman (2001)‎. Meta-Psychology. [Article

Chandrashekar, S. P., Yeung, S., Yau, K., Cheung, C., Agarwal, T. K., Wong, C., Pillai, T., Thirlwell, T. N., Leung, W., Li, Y., Tse, C., Cheng, B., Chan, H., & Feldman, G. (2021). Agency and self-other asymmetries in perceived bias and shortcomings: Replications of the Bias Blind Spot and link to free will beliefs. Judgment and Decision Making. 16(6), 1392–1412. DOI: [Article]

Kafouros, M., Chandrashekar, S. P., Aliyev, M., & Au, K. M. A.(2021). How do formal and informal institutions influence firm profitability in emerging countries? Journal of International Management. 100890.

Chandrashekar, S. P., Weber, J., Chan, S., Cho, W., Chu, T., Cheng, B., & Feldman, G. ‎‎ (2021). Accentuation and compatibility: Replication and extensions of Shafir (1993) to rethink Choosing versus Rejecting paradigms. Judgment and Decision Making, 16(1), 36-56. DOI: [Article]

Chandrashekar, S. P. (2020). It’s in your control: Free will beliefs and blame attribution to obese people and people with mental illness. Collabra: Psychology.  DOI: 10.1525/collabra.305 [Article]

Zhou, J., Leping, G. Li, J. T., & Chandrashekar, S. P. (2020) “The Rich Get Richer?”: Entrepreneurs’ Socio-economic Status and Expropriation Hazards in China. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. DOI:10.1002/sej.1361 [Article]

Feldman, G. & Chandrashekar, S. P. (2018). Laypersons’ beliefs and intuitions about free will and determinism: New insights linking the social psychology and experimental philosophy paradigms. Social Psychological and Personality Science. doi: 10.1177/1948550617713254 [Article] [Publisher link]

Feldman, G., Chandrashekar, S. P., & Wong, K. F. E. (2016). The freedom to excel: Belief in free will predicts better academic performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 90, 377–383. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2015.11.043 [Article] [Publisher link]



Fillon, A. A., & Chandrashekar, S. (2024, June 21). The Replication Dilemma: Potential Challenges in Measuring Replication Value—A Commentary on Isager, Van’t Veer, & Lakens  (2024).

Chandrashekar, S., Bostyn, D. H., De Clercq, J., & Roets, A. (2024, May 2). In Similarity We Trust: Not the Type of Moral Judgment but Like-Mindedness Drives Inferences of Trustworthiness.

Chandrashekar, S. P. & Feldman, G. (2024). On the process and value of direct close replications: Reply to Shafir and Cheek (2024) commentary on Chandrashekar et al. (2021).

Chandrashekar, S. P., Permut, S., Sjåstad, H., Lo, C., Kueh, Y., Zhong, S., Wan, K., Choy, K., Wong, M., Hugh, W., Tahira, K., Cheng, B., & Feldman, G. Do people believe they are less predictable than others? Three replications of Pronin and Kugler (2010)’s Experiment 1. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/YKMQP [Preprint]  [Open materials/data/code

Fillon, A., Chandrashekar, S. P., Feldman, G. Asymmetries in attributions of blame and praise, intent, and causality:  Free will, responsibility, and the side-effect effect.[Pre-print]

Chandrashekar, S. P. The Facial Width-to-Height Ratio (fWHR) and Perceived Dominance and Trustworthiness: Moderating Role of Social Identity Cues (Gender and Race) and Ecological Factor (Pathogen Prevalence). DOI:10.31234/