Diversity of spiders in horticultural ecosystems of Thrissur district

Prasad N.K.

Prasad is an Assistant Professor in Collegiate education department, Kerala and a part-time research scholar in CATE. His area of interest is agrarian spider diversity. The work comprises the study spider diversity of spiders in selected horticultural ecosystems of Thrissur district, Kerala, the seasonal variations in their faunal diversity, Assessment of feeding potential of dominant spiders. The work also aims to study the effect of pesticides on the selected spiders.



  • · Presented a paper on “Assessment of biocontrol potential of selected spiders” in the International seminar organised by Department of Zoology, KKTM Government College, Pullut.

  • · Presented a paper on in the National seminar “Araneofauna associated with banana cropland in Narayanamangalam, Thrissur district, Kerala, India” in the National seminar organized by University college, Thiruvanathapuram.

  • · Presented a paper on in the National seminar “Comparison of spider fauna in banana croplands of Kadalayi and Nenmanikkara, Thrissur district, Kerala, India” in the National seminar organized by Maharajas College, Ernakulam.



  • · Naduvath Krishnan Namboodiri Prasad, AmbalathveetilSaidu Muhammed Shihabudeen, Ambalaparambil Vasu Sudhikumar ‘Assessment of Biocontrol potential of selected spiders’Proceeding of International seminar Re iterating biodiversity published by Department of Zoology,KKTM Government College, Pullut, 2019 (ISBN:978-81-7255-130-8)

  • · Naduvath Krishnan Namboodiri Prasad, AmbalathveetilSaidu Muhammed Shihabudeen, Ambalaparambil Vasu Sudhikumar‘Comparison of Araneofauna in natural and agricultural ecosystems in Thrissur district, Kerala, India’ Published by KVASU,Thrissur, 2020. (ISBN:978-93-5406-189-9)