Prantar Ghosh

 Mail: Campus Box 5101, Department of Computer Science, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN 38505

Office: Bruner Hall 430

Email: pghosh<at>tntech<dot>edu


About Me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Tennessee Tech University, where I joined in Fall 2024.
Here's my university profile.

Research Interests

My research interests lie broadly in Theoretical Computer Science, the area of Computer Science that deals with its mathematical foundations. I specialize in graph algorithms and mostly study massive graphs in the streaming model of computation where the focus is to optimize the memory usage. The broad goal of my research is to understand how much memory is necessary and sufficient for solving natural problems on streaming graphs. This involves (a) designing space-efficient algorithms for the problems at hand, and (b) (unconditionally) proving their minimum space requirements. 

I have also worked on a variety of other topics over the years, and my research interests include dynamic graph algorithms, communication complexity, graph-query/sublinear-time algorithms,  FPT algorithms, and combinatorial graph theory

Prospective PhD students: I am actively looking for motivated PhD students with a good mathematical background (funding for two students available). If you are interested in working with me, feel free to email me with a short summary of your background and your resume.  You can also apply directly to Tennessee Tech's graduate program and mention my name in your application. 

Undergraduate students: I am open to supervising undergraduate research for self-motivated students with a good mathematical background. Shoot me an email if you are interested in working with me.


Prior to joining Tennessee Tech, I spent a couple of years as a postdoc: one year at Georgetown University hosted by Justin Thaler, and another as a Simons Postdoctoral Leader at DIMACS, Rutgers University, where I primarily worked with Sepehr Assadi

Before that, in May 2022, I completed my PhD in Computer Science at Dartmouth College, where I was fortunate to be advised by Amit Chakrabarti. Then I spent the summer of 2022 as a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth.  

Before joining Dartmouth, I spent five wonderful years at Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI), India, where I completed my Masters in Computer Science in 2017 and Bachelors in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2015.

Here's a copy of my CV (as of Oct 2024). 


Profiles: Google Scholar   dblp



Prantar Ghosh, Vihan Shah 

[full version (arXiv)]  [conference version]  [recorded talk]  [recorded talk slides]  [conference slides by Vihan]

Theses and Technical Reports


I'm currently mentoring the following amazing undergraduate students


Current courses:

Upcoming courses:

 Past courses:


I co-organized the DIMACS Workshop on Modern Techniques in Graph Algorithms in June 2023.

I have been an external reviewer for several conferences (multiple iterations of most) including STOC, FOCS, SODA, SOSA, ICALP, APPROX, RANDOM, ESA, ITCS, FSTTCS, ISAAC, STACS.

I have been a reviewer for journals including TOCT, IPL, and OPTL.