I'm Pranav Chakravarthy, a postdoc at  Université libre de Bruxelles(ULB) working with Mélanie Bertelson.

Previously,  I was a postdoc at the Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem working with Yoel Groman.

I finished my PhD in August 2021 at the University of Western Ontario under the supervision of Martin Pinsonnault and Yael Karshon.

Email Address: pranav.vijay.chakravarthy@ulb.be

 Research interests:
My interests are in the field of symplectic geometry with a focus on using pseudo-holomorphic curve techniques to study symplectic group actions on symplectic 4-manifolds, and studying the properties of equivariant symplectomorphims of such manifolds. My thesis was on "Homotopy type of equivariant symplectomorphisms of rational ruled surfaces".


Preprints and Thesis: