
My name is Pramod Kumar, and I am research scientist at Dispelix Oy, Helsinki, Finland. Before joining Dispelix I was a postdoctoral researcher at the department of applied physics, Aalto University Helsinki, Finland. The broad area of my research is the computational and theoretical approach to study novel quantum materials.

Current area of research:

Machine learning approach for quantum materials predictions: The quantum many-body problem is believed to be in the NP class of problems whose full solution is exponentially hard. Various approximate methods have been developed, but many of these are also extremely computationally demanding. The development of the machine learning (ML) technique motivates us to explore a complementary approach. Machine learning provides an estimation of the result of a calculation based on interpolation from a statistical analysis of datasets of solved problems. We have been developing a high-performance neural network algorithm integrating with quantum cluster tool DMFT to understand complex quantum systems.

Method development to study the new class of quantum materials:

Recently, I have been developing Deep learning algorithms using the tensor flow library integrated with quantum cluster methods to understand complex quantum systems. Also, I have extended and implemented computational methods for a class of quantum materials. I combined in-house developed numerical algorithms with network techniques, combining FORTRAN, C++, MATLAB, and Python languages, and deployed via a highly parallel implementation in the local supercomputer cluster at Aalto University. The developed tools have been implemented using open-source libraries.


I am a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Jose Lado at the department of applied, Aalto University, in Finland, since Nov 2020. I was a postdoc with Prof. Paivi Torma at the department of applied, Aalto University between Dec 2016-July 2020 working on quantum computational methods for ultracold atoms, also known as quantum simulators. I was a postdoc with Prof. Walter Hofstetter, Frankfurt, Germany. I completed my PhD with Prof. N. S. Vidhyadhiraja from JNCASR, Bangalore, India.

Here is a recent version of my CV (updated July/2021)

Some open-source methods can be found on Github

You can get a flavor of my research in my talk on Youtube

Google Scholar

News and Updates

28/11/2021 : Invited talk at silver jublee of theoretical sciences unit TSU@25, JNCASR, Bangalore

12/11/2021 : Manuscript on "Kondo lattice mediated interactions in flat-band systems" is published in Phys. Rev. Research.

03/03/2021 : Manuscript on "Flat band induced non-Fermi liquid behavior of multicomponent fermions" is published in Phys. Rev. A as Letter.