
Computer Networks:

Computer networking refers to connected computing devices (such as laptops, desktops, servers, smartphones, and tablets) and an ever-expanding array of IoT devices (such as cameras, door locks, doorbells, refrigerators, audio/visual systems, thermostats, and various sensors) that communicate with one another.

 Source: Cisco

Learning Tutorials: Computer Networks

Introduction to Computer Networks by Prof. Prakash Ukhalkar.pdf

Introduction to Computer Networks

OSI vs TCP-IP by Prof. Prakash Ukhalkar.pdf

OSI Model Vs. TCP/IP Protocol Suite

Physical Layer Communication by Prof. Prakash Ukhalkar.pdf

Physical Layer Communication

CN PU002 - Application Layer - HTTP - SMTP by Prof. Prakash Ukhalkar.pdf

Application Layer

CN PU002 - Application Layer - DNS by Prof. Prakash Ukhalkar.pdf

Domain Name System

CN PU003 - Transport Layer by Prof. Prakash Ukhalkar.pdf

Transport Layer