
1. Prakash Sarkar*, Sandhya Verma: "Phenomena-based optimization of load function during nanoindentation experiments for estimating elastic aspect of viscous materials", Polymer, vol. 302, pp. 127059, 2024.

2. Prakash Sarkar: "Exploring the caveats associated with estimating the properties of amorphous glassy thermoset", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 625, pp. 122756, 2024.

3. Prakash Sarkar, Prita Pant, Hemant Nanavati*: "Uniaxial compression based recovery analyses to describe polymer-specific and universal nanoindentation deformation phenomena", arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.07565, 2024.

4. Prakash Sarkar*, Sandhya Verma: "Effect of viscous behavior on Young's modulus estimation of thermoplastic glassy polymers via nanoindentation", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, pp. 1-14, 2024.

5. Sandhya Verma, Prakash Sarkar, Prita Pant*: "Thermal drift in room temperature nanoindentation experiments: Measurement and correction", Journal of Materials Research, vol. 36, pp. 3436-3444, 2021.

6. Prakash Sarkar: "Properties affected by different shape and different weight percentages nanoparticles embedded in chitosan polymer thin film", European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, pp. 91-100, 2015. 

7. Prakash Sarkar: "Na-carboxmethylecellulose properties effected by nanoparticles in different shape and weight percentages", European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, pp. 76-83, 2015.


1. Prakash Sarkar, Hemant Nanavati*: "Physical phenomena during nanoindentation deformation of amorphous glassy polymers".

2. Prakash Sarkar, Sandhya Verma, Prita Pant*: "Evaluation of Berkovich tip area calibration equations for indentations at larger depths".

3. Prakash Sarkar, Sandhya Verma*: "Determining Young’s modulus of polycarbonate by nanoindentation".

4. Prakash Sarkar*, Sandhya Verma: "Assessing Young’s modulus of poly (methyl methacrylate) using nanoindentation: Unraveling ambiguities".

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