What We Do

Monthly Meetings

Each June, we pick the projects for the year and members have the opportunity to sign up for the projects they are interested in weaving.

At the monthly meeting, the project leader(s) provide the kits and are available as a resource as members get started on the basket. 

Members who are not working on the month's project are welcome to bring a project of their own to work on.

Spreading the Joy of Weaving

We occasionally offer classes through the Sauk Prairie Community Center to introduce interested individuals to basket making. Follow this link and search for "basket" to see if there are any classes currently scheduled.

These classes are typically 4-5 hours long on a Saturday morning and will help you create a simple basket from start to finish.

Expanding Our Own Learning

Every year or so, we invite a guest instructor to join us for a weekend, with a goal of every class participant learning something new.

We also love to attend weaving conventions! This is a great way to work with several instructors in a short period of time. Guild members typically travel and/or room together and have an all around good time!

Some of our favorites are linked on the Resources page.