Field Work

Field survey with Dr. Ralf Britz in WG of India

Exploring Karnataka with Dr. Neelesh Dahanukar and Dr. Rajeev Raghavan.

In Great Niobar Island

Stepping in to MV CAMPBELL BAY

Fishing in Amboli with Dr. Dahanukar, Dr. Britz, Mr. Katwate and Mr. Sawant

Ompok sp. in life

Looking for loach in mountain stream near LAVASA

Enjoying success & sunset with my friends near Khireshwar

Sunset during journey to Nicobar

Western Ghats, Tamhini

Islands of Andaman

After fishing in Koyana with my friends Kishor, Sandip, Pankaj and Sachin Sir.

Searching for Balitora in Amboli, WG, India

Catfish in Karnataka

In Karnataka


First collection of live khavalchor in its type locality with Sandip